So today some Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, Princess Leia and a Jawa came to Barnes and Noble for an appearance. They are members of the 501st (Darth Vader's Legion of Stormtroopers) and also a group of Star Wars fanatics who dress up for appearances etc. Well this morning I felt like I had some fluid leak and was wondering if my water was trying to break. My friend Amber had a trickle that made her go in and then they broke her water and then her baby came. I was torn see the stormtroopers v go to the hospital. I decided to do both. When I got there along with our friends, the McCoys, we found the store to be packed. They were also having a book fair for a local elementary. Anyway we were standing right next to an employee with a walkie talkie and he started to make a line. Turns out I was first in line. Bill was at another store with Nile so I called him quickly to come down. They must have lined up over 100 parents and kids behind us. Our lucky day. So out our favorite fictional characters came and in our totally awesome aka dorky matching shirts, me, Bill and the Baby Lucas got our picture taken.
Then it was the McCoys' turn. Jason handed their littlest one, Piron, to Darth Vader and he instantly started to scream. The other kids were so shocked that two started crying too and one just stood there. It was pretty funny. Apparently the kids have been jabbering away all week about meeting these guys but when it came time, they were a bit shocked. Poor kids. It is a picture for the ages.
Here they are right before Darth Vader, who was on the bit chubby side, had to sit down because he was getting so hot. I was standing with a gal from work, Lisa, who was waiting for her husband and kids to come in the line. She turned to me and said, "Vader better not have an MI (heart attack) before my kids get to the front of the line but if he does, we'll just start CPR and be heroes"
So that was my day with the our favorite fictional friends. Afterwards we dropped the kids off at home, went to Labor and Delivery and figured out that my amniotic fluid is not leaking. Better safe than sorry, wouldn't want the Baby Lucas to have a dry swimming pool. Then we walked the walk of shame out of Labor and Delivery and are back home.
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