Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The pictures speak for themselves

Monday, June 29, 2009

2 mo old today

Today I turned 2 mo old. I started wearing size 2 diapers. I scratched my face last night while I was sleeping and that is why it looks like I have a freckle or bug on my face between my eyes. I didn't sleep good last night; I was too excited for my 2 month birthday. I took a late morning/early afternoon nap and so did Mommy. Then I fell asleep eating milks this afternoon.
I make funny faces.
More post milks sleeps
My dreams are hilarious
I'm thinking if I want to wake up or sleep more
I like to stretch
still stretching
Mommy and I went to a long walk today because it is not so hot our this week. She got more library books and a decaf coffee. I slept for most of it. Then Daddy came home. Daddy and I played.
He makes me laugh
I stayed in the same outfit today because I had no poops. Watch out tomorrow folks for some big blowouts. Tomorrow I go see Dr Cara and mommy keeps saying I'm getting S-H-O-T-S... I don't know what that spells but I don't think it's good. Mommy and Daddy are guessing how much I will weigh. I'm such a big boy.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baby Dedication

Today was the baby dedication at our church. I never thought I'd be up front with an actual baby. It was a wonderful moment to share with the other families and our church community. I am sad my folks couldn't make it but we got pictures. The liturgy which is read during the dedication states the following which about says it all.
● The parents publicly accept their responsibility to nurture their child in the love and grace of Jesus. At the same time, they are presenting the child to God in a special way, asking that His purposes be fulfilled in their lives.
● The church community gives welcome to the child and support to the parents. We commit to sharing both the joy and the work of nurturing the child.
Each family got to share a bit about why they were dedicating their child. Each child then was anointed with oil and prayed over. It was really special to be a part of.

We got to talk first and I, of course, had them laughing (and crying too) :-)
Fabio and Cris dedicated Eric who was born the same day as Lucas. They are our new friends from Brazil.
David and Ali dedicated both Josh and Ben. I am Josh's godmother so it was extra special for me. Ben was recently brought home from Ethiopia and is just the cutest little guy ever.
Sam and Derek dedicated Maya. Sam spoke beautifully about their heartache over losing Gabe (their son who died a few weeks after birth) and how our community has really helped them survive their grief. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Maya is appropriately named, Maya Hope because her very presence gives us hope in Christ.
Lucas slept right through his anointing.
Bill and I together in this endeavor
Ali and I spent the rest of church bouncing on the yoga/exercise balls to get our kids to sleep or at least stay content.
Nice certificate we can hang up in his room
And he got a Bible.

Lucas, we are so blessed to have you in our lives. God knew we needed you.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

All in a days work

So our addition is worked on one day at a time literally. A week ago Monday they framed it all in and then no workers for days. Today the gang showed up and broke through the wall, put in the stairs and there is a crew here still doing the shingles. Here are some pics I took before I went to work and 12 hours later what it looks like. We'll probably see the gang back here in like 10 days for another long productive day of work.
Our old 'Star Wars room' outside wall with the windows already gone
Looking into the porch
Another view
Now the windows are gone and it is all opened up
Looking into the existing room
the open space looks great- no more door just a open doorway
framed in fireplace
view of the basement
another view of the basement
stairs going down
It is amazing how much work they can do in one day. Imagine if they came everyday to work how quickly things could get done. But I can't complain because we still haven't paid a cent yet.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tummy time

Lucas doesn't like tummy time. It can't be that fun to be laid smack face down when you really have no neck muscles. It is not the first and won't be the last thing we 'force' him to do for his own good. We, on the other hand, (being mom, dad, gabby and nile) find it hilarious to watch. I took some shots of it today. He usually does well for a few minutes and then he remembers that he hates it and freaks out.
See, Mommy, I'm doing good.
Still doing good.
Oh wait I remember I hate this
Poor little fella.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oh what a day I had- by Lucas

Oh I had a day, that's for sure. First of all, I woke up a bunch last night just for fun and for milks. And then I woke up at about 6:15 and was all restless. I had a big poopy diaper but no one knew it. Mommy and Daddy brought me into bed it them; I dozed a bit but really acted liked a whirling dervish. At about 7:45 I had had it. I started to scream. Mommy said, "Please Lucas two more minutes" but I was like "NO MORE MINUTES" and I meant it. She picked me up and changed my diaper, boy! was she surprised. Now all the poop had dried on so I was grumpy because she had to scrub it off my bottom, ugh. Then she put me in this cute outfit with a bug on it; I'll call it outfit #1 (can you see where my day is going?). Mommy brought me downstairs and I had some milks. Yummy. Then I had my diaper changed again before Mommy tried to get me to nap. I like being in the diaper change area. See my big smile... I didn't take a nap so we played and then I ate some more milks. After I eat, I stretch and get a funny look on my face which Mommy thinks makes me looks like I swallowed a frog. She finally caught it on film.
After those milks, Mommy tried to get me to sleep again. I just smiled at her.
And then I laughed at her.
I finally took about a 45 minute nap to give Mommy a break, Mommy napped a bit too. Yesterday I took a 3 hour nap but today I wasn't into that much sleep today. I had a huge poop all up my back and got it on my swing and on my outfit #1. So then I had to be naked in the pack-n-play while Mommy went to get another outfit; outfit #2.
We went to the mall because it is too hot to walk around outside. I slept in a car, but not really at the mall. In Ann Taylor Loft I had a meltdown because Daddy told me to cry every time Mommy tries to buy clothes-- save us some money, Daddy says. Well Mommy fed me milks in the dressing room and managed to buy some clothes anyway- at least they were on sale. I feel asleep in the car on the way home and Mommy thought I'd be out for a while. Wrong. I woke up when she stopped the car and smiled during all attempts to be put back to sleep in my swing.
Hehe Mommy-- I'm still awake.
Then I got really sweaty and grumpy and Mommy decided that outfit was too small. So I got another outfit, outfit #3. And I'm still smiley and I'm still not sleeping.
And I'm still laughing at Mommy today.
She did give me more milks and smartly did not move after I had milk coma so I did sleep for 45 minutes. Daddy came home. He ran 4 miles in 100 degree heat. He came back with heat stroke and Mommy had to put cold clothes on his head, neck and wrists. Silly Daddy. Daddy took over my care so Mommy could do her thing; he says funny things to me and gave me yucky vitamins. We are having a storm and a huge tree limb just fell in our yard. I hope it doesn't hit Mommy's car. Mommy said she'll take a picture of it after the rain stops. I have had a busy day. I think I'll sleep good tonight or maybe I won't. Only I know the answer to that.
Mommy edit: If he wasn't so cute, I would have poked my eyeballs out today.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

More and more smiles

We are seeing more and more smiles from Lucas which makes the crabby moments more bearable.
Here he is laughing at his mobile when he woke up one morning last week
Smiling today for Father's Day
Hanging out with Nile; Nile was actually making this funny noise which made the above smile possible.