Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Saturday, September 20, 2008

with a pirate 'r'

We had another great day today. It is a long story and involves lots of the 'politics' of ministry about how we got to be at Loma Bonita instead of Universo where we were slated to go but regardless it was great. The colonias are next door to each other and you can see one feeding center from the other too. The pastor at Universo who is a 'friend' (loose term) of the Vineyard but not under the umbrella of the Vineyard though he uses a Vineyard building (thus the politics) had his own 'medical outreach' today sponsored by the government health agency. I had to get a little chuckle after I saw a patient who was diagnosed with diabetes up the hill at the other clinic and referred to our clinic to get medicine because they didn't have any to give out. We saw about 25 less people than we did yesterday but it was short day because of it being Saturday. On Saturday in each colonia/feeding center, they serve a meal for the kids, have songs/games/bible studies etc which doesn't usually end until around noon.

Yesterday I forgot to blog about a few of our 'successes'... one man whom we had diagnosed with diabetes last time we were at Dona Chonita (last January) came back. His blood sugar was over 350 (normal under 126) last time, we supplied him with 9 mo of medicine and his blood sugar yesterday was 106. He is thrilled at how well he is doing. It was great to see him again and I feel honored to be able to be part of people's lives down here. We saw two other kids who had weird bumps/rashes that had completely cleared up; not because of our medication but it was nice to have their chart from last time and say to Mom- 'how is that werid bump on his gum line that we didn't know what to do with?'. I think our continuity and effort made to keep records really makes our patients here feel cared for.

Stephen, our journalist turned check in 'nurse', is making leaps and bounds with his Spanish. Today he was sounding out words before we left and trying to say "chequar" (I am not spelling it right but the Spanish word for to check). Anyway he wrote it as 'check with a pirate r after it'. And that is actually how it sounds.

Tomorrow we have church in the morning and basically the rest of the day to rest. Monday is our day off and Tuesday we start clinics again. Thanks for reading and keeping updated. Please pray we have some good time of rest and refreshment because we're tired.


Stacey D said...

Praying for a blessed day off. I pray that the Holy Spirit will fill all of you to the point of overflowing so you can give lots of Jesus out along with love and care to the patients you see.

It's wonderful to hear about the successes you're blessed with and I know God will bless you with more and more to come.

Take care of my husband and thanks for blogging so I can read up on what's going on :)

Melinda said...

Glad to hear that "he who is a journalist" is pulling his weight! :) I loved the story about the pirate r and the near customs debacle. Glad that he didn't land in the slammer before the trip began. Hope you have, or are having, some well deserved time off. And we'll pray that the breezes keep coming. And I second Stacey's notion--"Take care of my husband" and thanks for the blog. It's so great to hear how the days are going. And I loved the story about the man and his diabetes check. That is so great to hear how you are making a difference. All our best from Iowa City!!!

Amber said...

So I laughed out loud when I read the "check with a pirate r" comment! That is awesome! I so wish I was there with you guys. Holy 84 patients batman! Wow!!

Sounds like you've got a great time.
Eat one of those delicious potatoes with yummy mexican chesse, cream and toppings on it for me! Mmmm.

Praying for lots of rest today and tomorrow. And that God will continue to do big things through and in you.
Much love - A

Brian Allen said...

We continue to pray for you and be with you in spirit. I am amazed every day I read your blog on the gifts you are able to share with all those down there. I hope and look to joining you in the future. God bless and keep up the wonderful work!