We started today off early when TBL woke up at 6 am. It was fine because we needed to be on the road by 6:30 to get to the Mustang Gallop, a 5K cross country race, that Bill and I ran this morning. My mom and dad are here so they came along to watch TBL. The course was SO freakin' hard. The grass was wet and slippery and there was this ridiculous hill we had to go up twice. The race was a fundraiser for the Mt Mercy Cross Country Team whose mascot is the Mustang. Instead of having a golf cart or a gator leading off the runners, they had a horse which was really cool to watch it gallop right in front of the leaders. The course was really winding back and forth so I saw the horse and leaders a few times while I was running. I didn't really enjoy smelling the dumps the mustang left on the course as he sped ahead of us. Anyway the course was super hard, Bill and I both ran what we expected but much slower than if we were running on pavement. We didn't stay around for the awards because we were off to the Hawkeye game!
Bill coming toward the finish
I'm making my way to the finish as well
Happy we are done!
My mom and TBL after the race. TBL came in his dinosaur PJs
Then we went home, TBL had some milks, we got dressed in black and gold and we were off for TBL's first Hawkeye game. Well TBL didn't go into the game, my mom and him hung out around our tailgating motorhome and I left at half time to feed him and used my mom's unused tickets to get back in. At Iowa, even infants like TBL need tickets to get in which is ridiculous. It was so hot today, TBL would have melted and I think it is really toooooo loud in there for his sweet little ears.
Here's us on the way to tailgating. Bill and I like to wear matching shirts, I know, we're adorable.
During halftime milk break
TBL had a super cute football outfit on but it was too hot for him so Grandma changed him into this adorable onesie. Good thing we have plenty of Hawkeye clothes for TBL.
I'm so happy the Hawks won!
So TBL makes it to another historic Hawkeye game. He was in my belly when Daniel Murray kicked the field goal to beat unbeaten Penn State last season. He was sleeping in his stroller when Iowa blocked the first last second field goal today and the cheering woke him up. He was awake when Iowa blocked the second last second field goal today to win the game and the cheering and honking horns caused him to start screaming. Poor little TBL, he'll sleep well tonight.
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