So we made it back in one piece. It was sure hot and humid. I went in with zero expectations. I told Bill before we left "I am expecting the trip to be terrible. Us to be fighting because TBL is grumpy and hot and we are grumpy and hot" I decided if I set the bar at zero I wouldn't be disappointed. Turns out it was much better than I expected. TBL did great considering the weather. It was so hot and humid. Think of the most hot and humid day you have ever experienced while in the continental US and then add about 20 degrees with no airconditioning. UGH! We did see a record number of patients, 140, on the hottest day we have ever had in Mexico in our 4 years of trips. There was plenty to be thankful for. We had a nice breeze one day when we had clinic in a building with no walls (can that be called a building?). We had good fans while inside the other days and a cooler full of ice and drinks. We had amazing air conditioning at our hotel. TBL slept well though he did wake up more at night to eat but I think he was tanking up for the hot days when it was harder on both of us to nurse. It was really interesting. TBL did not spit up much while we were there. He is not a huge spitter-upper but does somewhat during a regular day. It was as if his body knew it needed to conserve all of its fluids and not to waste them. The only day he did spit up was our day off when he was in the air conditioning most of the day. Amazing bodies we have with the instinct to adapt and survive regardless of age. He did get quite hot while out in the colonias but with our water spraying fan, cold water bottles as toys and wet cold sponge bathes he survived.
Here is a photo montage of our trip.
Our friends, Kyle and Ellen, let us borrow their infant car seat and it was waiting for us in the van at the airport. TBL doesn't like any car seat and this was probably the only time he was smiling in it. My plan for the trip was to carry/wear TBL but thought it may be too hot for that. When we got out of the airport and walked to the van, Dr Cara (TBL's pediatrician who was with us) said, 'oh no it is too hot to carry or wear him. we'll have to think of something else'

TBL is all smiles in our hotel room because it was cool

the view from our balcony not that we ever saw it - we kept the curtains closed so TBL could sleep. we decided to use the pack-n-play we bought and store down there while out at clinics and luckily our hotel had a very nice crib that we used.

Daddy walked TBL around alot in the stroller to put him to sleep. This was at Dona Chonita, our first day of clinics with the really nice breeze. We saw about 75 people this day.

Jennifer, our medical student, did a great nutritional class on eating healthy and diabetes.

TBL's home at the clinics-- the pack-n-play with a fan. We didn't have the fan inside because I was worried about him cutting off finger or toes. I worry too much! :-)

Lots of little kids leaned in and talked with TBL. They were all very delightful. They put on hand sanitizer before reaching in and touching toes or hands. They did a good job not frightening him or touching his face.

TBL is just so adorable.

Daddy working at triage

Dr Cara seeing a patient

At Villa Union, TBL got to play with Daddy in front of the fan. He loved the fan! He looks like a super hero with his big facing backwards.

All smiles with Daddy

Super cute family shot

TBL with his favorite new toy, cold water bottle. He would hug it and lick it.

On our day off we went to the beach for about 5 minutes- it was the hottest day we had down there.

TBL got his toes dipped in the Pacific

I did go down the water slide at the hotel like 10 times. I really love water slides and have decided Bill and I are going to go sans TBL to an indoor water park this winter for a long weekend. Yippeedddoooo!

Having some tummy time at the hotel

He looks hilarious in my sunglasses. Too bad it was SO hot out that the camera got steamy.

Another day in the pack-n-play sweating with my cold water bottle friend.

Our team with our translators and missionary friends minus Bill

Hanging out with Daddy at Loma Bonita on our last day

I just love my little bug.

All in all it was a great trip. Having TBL did take either Bill or I totally out of commission in terms of working and seeing patients. I didn't expect that. No one melted but I may be getting too old for another September trip.
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