Lucas really likes yogurt. He is becoming a brand man already. He gets so excited when I get the little yogurt, take off the top and stir it up. He gets a huge smile on his face. When I try to feed him yogurt and vegetables he seems to know when the spoon leaves the vegetables and he turns his head away. I have started pouring veggies into his yogurt so he is eating pear and green bean yogurt-- yuck!-- but he eats it. Yesterday after yogurt was all gone he was turning his head from eating bananas which he really likes. It wasn't like he was getting peas or peaches-- both of which he hates. I poured the bananas into the empty yogurt container and he ate them right up. Is it lying to just keep this little container washed and to continue to put offensive foods in it? How at 11 months is my genius kid so smart?

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