We had such a great great great birthday party for Lucas. As we are now a stocking only Christmas family, birthdays have been and will be a big deal in our house. Lucas' first was no exception. It was great to have my mom and dad in town and it wouldn't have been the same without them.
My mom and I made 'swampy' the cupcake alligator. It was so fun to make. My mom did all the frosting decorating channelling in her old baskin robbins cake decorating skills of old. Ol Swampy turned out wonderful. He was a crowd pleaser.

We made Lucas his own cake-- too bad he wanted no part of it when the time came.

Party time!

Swampy on the table

Up from his nap and ready to party. My little man.

Auntie Fran came over early to hang out.

A great shot of us three

trying to get a good shot outside but Bug was too interested in the birds

the fam

getting ready for cake

but Lucas hates hats

once he calmed down we tried the cake

Lucas touched his cake once and then was all done. it was so anticlimactic.

Auntie Fran read a sweet poem that made everyone cry

present time

maybe his new activity table will help him learn to stand

out in his new swing from grandma and grandpa in the backyard

my party was so tiring, i need a nap
What a day we all had! Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate. Happy 1st Birthday, my little bug.
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