Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bug does mexico #3

We had another great trip in Mazatlan. Bug did great. He and grandma had a fabulous time playing every day that we ran clinics. He got a bit off his schedule, had to miss a few morning naps but it didn't seem to faze him. He is back on his schedule now and probably in grandma withdrawal right now at Ms Lisa's house.
My mom and Bug set up 'shop' in the extra room at 3 of the colonias we went too. My mom laid down a big tarp and towel and they sat and played all day. Bug took great naps in his pack-n-play.
Intake and triage at Villa Union
We did an outdoor clinic at Miguel Hidalgo and Lucas was a big hit in his pack-n-play under his mosquito netting.
we got to spend some time in the pool and he looked adorable in his SPF gear
and he hated his sunglasses
My folks bought him an awesome suntent that we set up at the pool. He loved it.

and they bought him this cool floaty pool thing. he loved that too.
our 'iowa city team'- including the Wall family from Rochester, Derik and Mel, the newlyweds, us and my folks
'I'm just chillaxin' in the pool'
Bug loves to 'swim'
So long Mazatlan. See you in November.
We talked about it several times but we are SO incredibly blessed with an easy baby who has made three trips now to Mazatlan and has done great on all the trips. We couldn't do it without my folks help. We are so lucky Lucas can sleep anywhere and is really flexible in terms of his schedule and food and surroundings. Even though I always planned on taking him, I didn't really think it would be as easy or as fun as it has been. Lucas is a great traveler and we are blessed to be able to continue our mission work.

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