Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

when? how?

I have a head full of when? and how? questions. I feel like I have no idea what I am doing with Lucas. He is not drinking enough milk out of a sippy so we haven't been able to transition him from bottles. How are we ever going to get him to drink 18 ounces of milk a day? I am so frustrated that he can't say anything or tell us what he wants; he is becoming a picky eater and his only real way to communicate is to scream/whine and that is beginning to grate on my nerves. I don't think his tummy is upset because he'll hammer down his snacks. I am so hyper vigilant that he gets enough nutrients/day that I am driving myself crazy. All he really wants to eat is goldfish and yogurt. He has started waking up at 530 am. My sleep book would say to put him to bed earlier but I can't put him down much earlier than 6. Some nights it takes him an hour to fall asleep. He is still taking two good naps/day. I am getting too tired; last night I went to be at 8 pm. When is he going to stop hating his car seat? When is he going to start saying a few words? When is he going to start to walk or even cruise? It is hard to have so many friends with babies around the same age because all I do is compare Lucas to them.

Ugh. My whining is irritating. I need coffee.


Jen said...

When we started transitioning Molly I worried about the milk, too. We used both bottles and sippies. Just a month later we were able to bag up all of the bottles. Patience - it just takes them time to figure it out.

In the meantime, does he like yogurt? That's another way to get the calcium in him. And it's food, too. =)

As for the communication thing, have you tried baby sign language? Again, there's a learning curve, but when he can communicate the basic of no, more, hungry, etc. it helps both of you.

Back to food - could it be that he wants to feed himself? Are you still using jarred food? Could be that he wants what you're having and to work at feeding himself. It took me a week to being waved off as I attempted to spoon feed Molly to realize that she wanted what we were eating and to do it herself.

Jen said...

One other thing - don't worry about daily nutrients. I had a mom of 8 tell me that her pediatrician said that as they get to toddler age it's more about the cumulative eating/drinking for the week. Some days he'll eat, some days he won't. As long as he gets a balanced menu during a week, he's OK.

Jesse is our picky eater. Some days all he eats is granola bars and milk. And then he'll have an eating day and eat everything he's given and ask for more. They make it up, believe me.

As for the sleep thing, can't help you there. We have our own issues with that, but with our 3 year old.

MaestraBenefield said...

I'm with Jen. Baby sign language is really helpful. Just a few signs are really all you need- all done, hungry, thirty, and hurt were our basics.

Ethan never really drank very much milk or transitioned very well. I just decided not to worry about it that much. He seems to be fine. I figure that millions of babies have grown to functional adults without sucking on any cows all over the world and through history.

Don't worry, Lucas is big enough that he won't starve. :) You are doing a great job.

Beth said...

Katie, I just discovered you have a blog so will now be a faithful follower :) Isaac is almost 2 and I remember having alot of the same questions when he turned 1. We had 6 babies born within a few months of each other in my family so I got to see firsthand how they all develop at their own pace. Some were early walkers, some were late (17-18 months). Our church offered Love and Logic which really helped me handle Isaac's eating issues along with his temper tantrums. You're a wonderful mom and God knew you were just what Lucas needed.