Well the word is out and most of you already know. I'm knocked up. Got a bun in the oven. And this is our latest and perhaps greatest endeavor. I took 'before' stomach shots and think I'm just that un-modest enough to keep posting pics as I get fatter and fatter. My due date is April 20th and right now I'm calling him/her Half Pint.

And a beautiful, pre-baby belly it is! Can't wait to see it as it grows, and even more importantly, to meet half-pint soon!! :) How are you feeling?!
You'll have to eat a lot of half pints of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked icecream for your baby due on 4/20. (this is so loaded and if you don't get it, ask me in person!)
I understand Stacey's comment, but only because I work in a high school. Let's hope half pint comes out on the 19th or 21st. :-)
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