Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Family Happenings

So Friday night I helped get Bill and the kids ready for their cruise. Cruise was supposed to include me and my folks but I'm TPTC (too pregnant to cruise) so Bill is taking the kids by himself and my folks are coming here to help me with the nursery and with labor if Lucas comes early (right now both my husband and my OB are out of town - the latter just as important as the former so Lucas isn't going anywhere for the next 6 days). I am the detail part of our family so he was worried about doing everything himself. I got a folder and put all of the information Bill would need in it; highlighted with post-it notes to get him to O'Hare, parked, on the shuttle, checked in, through security, on the plane, on the hotel shuttle in Fort Lauderdale, on the shuttle to the pier, in line, on the ship, to their room etc. He and the kids did a great job because they did all that; arrived safely with appendages, luggage and good attitudes. Props to me; as they were leaving and stopping at Walgreens for something one of them forgot Gabby said, "Geesh Dad, Katie is way more organized than you" "You think" was his reply.

My folks started Friday after work driving from Syracuse to Iowa. They made great time and wanted to intersect with Bill and the kids on their way to O'Hare except they were on different highways. No big deal for my dad, Joe, he diverted north about 45 miles, got on the highway Bill was on and they waited at a designated exit given Bill's eastbound travel. Worked out perfect; Bill left later than planned, my folks got to the exit with 15 minutes to spare enough time for my mom to buy the kids some candy and a scratch lottery ticket (Gabby won $2-one dollar of which she gave Nile) and the Mom and Dad headed west and Bill kept going east.

I worked during all of this, but fielded like 100 calls from both vehicles trying to make the connection happen. I managed to save some lives in between giving directions, reporting speed and mile markers. Still a bit unclear why they just didn't call each other.

My folks and I have the nursery now about 90% painted; my dad will finish the trim tonight. It looks great. Pictures to come. We bought an area rug today and my mom did a mountain of laundry which is Lucas' wardrobe for the first 9 months; unclear how he has the most clothes of anyone in the house.

All day we were anxiously awaiting a call from Bill on the ship. Neither of them have cruised before and they had no idea how grand and opulent this ship was going to be. Nile asked me on Friday night if they had an elevator. By the time Bill called they were on the boat, unpacked, exploring around. Nile had already been on the wave runner (surfing thing on the boat) and they already figured out the teen club is open until 3 am and tonight there is a Wii tournament at 11:30 tonight. Good thing Bill brought some books to read, he may not see those kids of his for a week :-)

He called me again after the 'safety drill' where they get their life jackets on and report to their life boats to meet the staff member in charge of their boat. I asked "how'd it go? Who's in charge of your boat? What number is it?" "Well", Bill said, "we didn't go a boat, we were in the dining room, but I know we were at the right spot because they checked us off the list. The kids and I think we don't get a life boat; maybe we are the ones they will come back for. That makes us a bit nervous" Maybe that is why the price seemed so right for this cruise.

One of my big worries for them is the dining room. Bill doesn't like to make small talk with people he doesn't really care to know or will ever see again. Nile doesn't like to sit next to strangers and all three of them were a bit apprehensive about who would be at their table. Bill called after dinner. "How'd it go?" I asked. "Great, we had a table just the three of us. It is a table for 4 right near the door like they ran out of tables". I said "Kinda like they ran out of life boats", I said. "Exactly" was Bill's reply.

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