Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A new definition of a 'successful' day

Today was my first full day at home alone with the Baby Lucas. I am altering my definition of successful to encompass my new reality and I think I had a successful day for sure. Bill had a big day at work so I was up a lot with Lucas last night who did not sleep well so we did sleep in a bit and he woke up at 8:30am. He ate, sat in the vibrating chair in the bathroom as I showered (washed and conditioned my hair but didn't have time to shave my legs-- can't expect it all in one day). I ate some breakfast, he got topped off and then off to Weight Watchers we went. It was my first day lifting him in the car seat and it went fine- no pain. Did I mention it was raining out when we left? I think it is an accomplishment for even getting out of the door on such a rainy gloomy day. He was awake and calm for the most part during the meeting and then after a quick stop back at home for some lunch and a new diaper we were off again. We went to our friend's Kim house who made us lunch, listened to me and gave me good advice. Lucas took a little nap there and was a peach. I had to go to Target to get a few things but turned out Kim had all the things I needed so I just shopped at her house instead of Target. Lunch was yummy. I was feeling much better probably because I had a diet coke and decided to stop off at work to fill out my time card and have some of the non-germy ER staff meet Lucas. That was successful too. He slept the entire time and woke up when we got home. He had an afternoon snack and I pumped for the first time and successfully froze my first 2 oz. Lucas got a bit fussy so I put him in my mei tai carrier, took a walk up and down the block until he passed out and then came back in the house of blog. Daddy just got home and we have lots of stories to share from our day together. Gives me a boost of confidence that I can do this alone. I did so much more than I thought I could today and it feels great to get one day under my belt.

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