Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weeping for joy

This morning at 4:11 am (or so I'm told that time) our friends,Derek and Sam, had their baby girl, Maya. They had a son, Gabriel, who was born 12/07 and passed away a few weeks later. They have been, obviously, on the incredibly hard journey that no one wants to be on. Sam and I got to be pregnant together with our new little ones; share our anxieties and joys and tears as Lucas came and they were waiting for their daughter's arrival. I was told today at church that Maya arrived safely and was sleeping peacefully on her mother's chest. I wept with joy. I can't imagine all the emotions they are going through at this time or will for the rest of their lives as they remember Gabe and get to hold Maya's hand as she grows. I still don't understand where God was in their loss or why it happened to them. I never will; it makes me so angry. But I know that God is in charge and faithful and I prayed and everyone was praying that Maya would arrive safely and healthy. Sam apparently pushed for only 12 minutes; didn't even make me grumpy to hear that after I pushed unsuccessfully for almost 4 hours because if anyone deserved a break and a good speedy delivery, it was Sam. I will never forget where I was when we got the news Gabe died and we wept as a mission team on the beach in Mazatlan longing to be home with our community. I will never forget where I was when I got the news sweet Maya arrived safely and I wept for joy sitting in the lobby of church holding my fussy son. Thank you Jesus for being on our journey with us.

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