here is a conversation from today
bill: hey i'm cleaning out the car, i found the receipt from the two fountain pops, doritos and cheetos puffs. do you need it?
me: (damn! he caught me) no
bill: that's what i thought (smile on his face through the phone)
guess i'm not that serious yet about losing these last 7 lbs. :-)
Habbakuk 1:5b
"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Reason #56
Reason #56 that being done with pregnancy and breastfeeding is a good thing... you are able to FINALLY after 18 MONTHS take as much cough/cold medication as you want :-) yippee!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
We are all his servants.
This is how Lucas eats puffs. He can pick them up but doesn't know to put them in his mouth. He knows I won't feed it to him so he has figured out a way to still get them. The voices in the background are my folks. We were skyping at dinner time tonight. Little tatertot likes us to be his servants.
and then it was time for bed...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What my life has become
This is what my life has become. Today Lucas and I are playing on the floor in the play room. Stacking cups, shaking our rattle balls etc. Just a fine afternoon. Then I start to smell a little stink. Someone has poop. Here's a hint; it wasn't me. I decide rather than stand up lugging my 20lb sack-of-potato child and creating havoc on my knees while transporting him to the designated diaper change area that I would just change his diaper laying on the playmat. You see I've done this before; the wipes and diapers are close and handy. So I begin the process. Pants off, onesie unsnapped and then I am faced with a large amount of poop that has gotten everywhere. From now on in this story, I will be calling the poop crap because it was really crappy. Lucas has crap now up his back and on his onesie. I think I am holding his legs up high enough to avoid his back crap from getting anywhere else but turns out I'm not and his back crap got on the playmat -- the letters C and K to be exact (we have that form alphabet puzzle mat on the floor to protect the carpet from such days). Ok so now I am using one hand to hold up his legs and the other hand to wipe his butt and the playmat to get all the crap off. He starts to wiggle. He decides to roll over. Not a bad idea I thought because now I have better access to wiping the crap off his back and butt. So half naked but wiped Lucas is on this tummy playing with some toys while I finished wiping up the playmat crap and wrap up the diaper. I go to turn him to his back to get his new diaper on and realize that he has taken it upon himself and his new found half naked freedom to pee while he was on his tummy. So now on the letters L and H, I have a steamy puddle of pee. UGH! So I grab a wipe which doesn't really help but find a stray burp cloth that I use to mop up the pee. I finally get Lucas into his diaper and decide he is just going to have to stay naked until bedtime because I have too much to disinfect to possibly go upstairs to get more clothes.
First I call Bill because I think my story is hilarious. He has germ issues-- I keep forgetting-- so he doesn't think it is too funny. I pull up the letters L (U to be safe) and C from the top row that spells LUCAS and the H (W to be safe) and K from the second row that spells HAWK without the A because I used the 'a' in the top row to spell Lucas. I have all six letters in the kitchen when I notice the wet spot on the carpet. Dang, the pee got loose. Crap, Bill is going to flip. I quickly call Kim, she says hot water and soap for carpet pee... she also says welcome to motherhood; you're arrived. Then I soak the foam letters in the sink. I call my friend who is thinking about trying to get pregnant just to warn her about days like this. Then I call my friend Ali who isn't home yet but get her husband who is the stay at home parent; I tell him and he finds it as hilarious as I did all those minutes ago. Meanwhile diaper and shoes only Lucas continues to play like nothing has really happened.
These pictures were taken before the playmat was disassembled for cleaning. He looks completely unfazed and quite shaped like a tatertot, doesn't he?
aaaahhhh what my life has become!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Facebook Fast
Well it has been less than a week of my facebook fast. It has been really hard. It is just such a habit to log into facebook when at the computer checking my email. I honestly thought I would have cheated by now but I haven't** disclaimer, I hacked into my mother's facebook account when she was on vacation in Aruba to send a message to a friend who's email I was without to ask her to email me because I had some questions; this was after an unanswered phone message so I felt as if it was my last resort**. It has been a productive few days both in my house and in my mind. I have had some goals of what to do without facebook.
Firstly I have spent some time praying and processing through several of my current issues and have come to some nice peaceful conclusions and fixes about my attitudes etc. I can't go into that more on this public blog but feel free to ask me about my epiphanies.
Secondly I ordered reprints and finished the georgia road trip of 2008 collage. I am only one vacation collage behind and I plan to reprint those pics on Wed and get it done this weekend (wednesday is 9 cent reprint day at Walmart so the day I do all my pictures- Loretta would be proud :-) ).
Thirdly I connected on the phone with 3 'long lost' friends this weekend; those calls I always intend to make, but something gets in the way (perhaps it was Facebook).
Fourthly I organized the junk drawer during a nap time. Then got three boxes of Lucas hand-me-downs ready destined for other homes.
Fifthly I got all our CDs onto Itunes and then packed away for the basement.
Today I am working from home as Lucas is ill. I plan to tackle not only questions for the GI quarterly exam but the giant pile of crap on the kitchen table that just keeps getting pushed around.
I do miss a lot about facebook. I miss seeing my friend Amanda's sister Laura's posts about her crafts and her kids. I miss seeing what David Hemmer is going to say to every move of Obama and the democratic majority in Congress. I miss Karen Nichols' links on how cool Iowa City is. I miss getting updates from friends who have babies about the same age as Lucas. I miss responding to TV shows or funny commercials or olympic victories or crazy outfits (aka the Russian jungle native ice dancers).
So I don't have any grand plan to be done with Facebook forever; I can't wait to sign on again. It has been harder than even I thought it would be but then again it is supposed to be. So until Easter, I'll blog. I'll organize. I'll clean. I'll talk on the phone. I'll fast.
Firstly I have spent some time praying and processing through several of my current issues and have come to some nice peaceful conclusions and fixes about my attitudes etc. I can't go into that more on this public blog but feel free to ask me about my epiphanies.
Secondly I ordered reprints and finished the georgia road trip of 2008 collage. I am only one vacation collage behind and I plan to reprint those pics on Wed and get it done this weekend (wednesday is 9 cent reprint day at Walmart so the day I do all my pictures- Loretta would be proud :-) ).
Thirdly I connected on the phone with 3 'long lost' friends this weekend; those calls I always intend to make, but something gets in the way (perhaps it was Facebook).
Fourthly I organized the junk drawer during a nap time. Then got three boxes of Lucas hand-me-downs ready destined for other homes.
Fifthly I got all our CDs onto Itunes and then packed away for the basement.
Today I am working from home as Lucas is ill. I plan to tackle not only questions for the GI quarterly exam but the giant pile of crap on the kitchen table that just keeps getting pushed around.
I do miss a lot about facebook. I miss seeing my friend Amanda's sister Laura's posts about her crafts and her kids. I miss seeing what David Hemmer is going to say to every move of Obama and the democratic majority in Congress. I miss Karen Nichols' links on how cool Iowa City is. I miss getting updates from friends who have babies about the same age as Lucas. I miss responding to TV shows or funny commercials or olympic victories or crazy outfits (aka the Russian jungle native ice dancers).
So I don't have any grand plan to be done with Facebook forever; I can't wait to sign on again. It has been harder than even I thought it would be but then again it is supposed to be. So until Easter, I'll blog. I'll organize. I'll clean. I'll talk on the phone. I'll fast.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ash Wednesday
So I gave up facebook for Lent. Today is Day 1. I will say it has been a bit painful. This morning when the boys were sleeping and I was having breakfast, it felt silly not to 'be able' to check my facebook. But Ash Wednesday is not the day to decide your Lenten fast is silly and go back on it. I wouldn't have made it even 12 hours. So I have decided to set some goals for my Lent; things to accomplish when I could be facebooking.
1. spend morning time praying and reading my Bible
2. send more cards, arrange more lunch dates, have more phone chats
3. organize all my photos
4. finish downloading my cds onto itunes
5. make backup of said itunes
6. do the vacation collages from georgia 2008, london 2009
1. spend morning time praying and reading my Bible
2. send more cards, arrange more lunch dates, have more phone chats
3. organize all my photos
4. finish downloading my cds onto itunes
5. make backup of said itunes
6. do the vacation collages from georgia 2008, london 2009
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Alphabet cards
I got an idea off the internet to make personalized alphabet flash cards for your child. So I am making a set for Lucas for his birthday. If you have to learn your ABCs, you may as well learn them about things you will grow to know and love. Here is Lucas' personal alphabet
a. aunts --susie, melissa and michelle
b. brother-- nile
c. cousins-- madison, lauren, megan and drake
d. dad
e. ewoks
f. fran and jordan --his godparents
g. grandma and grandpa
h. herky
i. iowa
j. jabba the hut and jawas
k. kinnick stadium
l. lucas
m. mom
n. new york
o. otto the orange --syracuse's mascot
p. penguins
q. quarterback -- ricky stanzi
r. r2d2 and his friend c3Po
s. sister-- gabby
t. tusken raiders and tautans
u. uncles-- david, brian, tim, tom and michael
v. vineyard church
w. wookies
x. xwing
z. zuzu's petals
i have them 1/2 assembled. I have gathered pictures for every letter and tonight at the womens' craft and chili night at church I am going to continue to assemble. Then off to get laminated, trimmed and put on a big ring together. Then all I have to do is wait for his birthday.
a. aunts --susie, melissa and michelle
b. brother-- nile
c. cousins-- madison, lauren, megan and drake
d. dad
e. ewoks
f. fran and jordan --his godparents
g. grandma and grandpa
h. herky
i. iowa
j. jabba the hut and jawas
k. kinnick stadium
l. lucas
m. mom
n. new york
o. otto the orange --syracuse's mascot
p. penguins
q. quarterback -- ricky stanzi
r. r2d2 and his friend c3Po
s. sister-- gabby
t. tusken raiders and tautans
u. uncles-- david, brian, tim, tom and michael
v. vineyard church
w. wookies
x. xwing
z. zuzu's petals
i have them 1/2 assembled. I have gathered pictures for every letter and tonight at the womens' craft and chili night at church I am going to continue to assemble. Then off to get laminated, trimmed and put on a big ring together. Then all I have to do is wait for his birthday.
Yesterday while Bug and I were hanging out after having an afternoon bottle, he started to cuddle up next to my chest like he did when he was an infant. It was delightful. I just love my little guy.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Being busy is better
Work has been slow. Like super slow. Like watching movies on my ipod touch slow. I usually don't mind not having work to do. But knowing that I am doing exactly NOTHING makes me feel so guilty knowing that Lucas is in daycare and I can't go and spend time with him. When it is busy, I don't mind working so much. But this slower-than-slow thing is really getting to me. I can't leave early because 1. it may get busier and 2. i don't have the vacation hours to 'waste'. I can't stop working because I have loans and bills to pay. Being a total stay at home mom isn't the answer either. Most weeks working three days is great. But I had to work an extra last week and an extra this week so I am tired. When I hand Lucas to Ms Lisa at daycare he cuddles up on her chest. He doesn't do that with me. My mom says that it is better than him screaming when I leave. After I get over my theory that he doesn't like me and is mad he never gets to see me because I work all the time, my real theory is that she has a little more cushion than me so maybe it is comfy for him. I am just tired and bored and feeling sorry for myself and want to squeeze my little guy. Tomorrow. Me and him all day tomorrow. Can't wait!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
is it progress?
Lucas hasn't quite figured out the concept of feeding himself. He really likes to eat Cheerios and those little puffs, but won't put them in his mouth once they are in his hand. We were at church play group yesterday and Oliver who is younger than Lucas was feeding himself so I thought I'd try again. "Here Lucas", I said and put three Cheerios in my hand, "have a Cheerio". He opened his mouth like he was expecting Communion. I continued to coax him to try to pick one up. Instead Lucas bent his head down, put his face in my hand and licked it off. Hilarious. At least he is 'feeding himself'. I guess I'll call that progress.
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