Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Saturday, April 3, 2010

the difference a year makes

Remember the beginning of City Slickers where Billy Crystal's mom calls him at 5 am on his birthday and tells him again the story of his birth. I may be that type of mother. It doesn't help that three of my friends are about to have babies so I am confronted with their bellies now but having it just turned April, Easter being tomorrow, I am being bombarded with memories about what it was like last year at this time. My baby boy is almost one. I can't believe it. I can't wait to wake him up at 1:09 am every year on 4/29 to tell him about how he came into this world and was so pissed to be taken from his warm home that he peed on everyone. As I continue to fight those last 6-8 pounds, I am bringing back some pictures to remind myself of when I get all nostalgic for being pregnant and about to have Lucas, how incredibly distorted and fat I was this time last year and how much I have truly lost and gotten back to normal.
these were taken on 3/30/09

these were taken on my due date, 4/20/09
seriously I was gigantic
and these taken today 4/3/10
my, my... these same grey sweatpants look a bit saggy on me now after being stretched to the max over my 40 week prego body
the way a woman's body can transform to bring a life into the world is truly amazing. I never thought I would look anything close to normal again, but I am living proof that delivering a 8lb 13 ounce baby and revisiting my best friend, portion control, makes all the difference.

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