Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Well it is Holy Saturday, one more day left in my Lenten fast. Though no one really needs to know or believe me except me and Jesus, I haven't cheated once. I haven't logged onto my facebook page at all. I am proud of myself. I don't know what my facebook fast really accomplished besides just the discipline of fasting which I know is the whole point. I had all thses goals and plans and not much got accomplished in my 'facebook void time'. I really do feel disconnected from some friends; especially friends on the west coast who due to our time zone difference are harder to connect with on the phone. With having kids, I find it hard to connect with a lot of people over the phone b/c by the time I get someone on the phone, my kid has woken up or their kid has thrown up or something. I really miss my outer circle of friends whom I am only really connected through facebook; high school and college friends whom I enjoy being part of their cyber-lives. A friend from the old neighborhood (makes me sound like I grew up a Southy doesn't it?) died yesterday and I don't know any details; I know exactly who to ask on facebook but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I have missed people's reaction to current events; obama comes to iowa city, lickliter gets fired, oh yeah I picked cornell, st marys, old dominion, russell gets the best of boston rob in survivor, what the hell is Lost even about anymore?, Fran is the new Man in Iowa City, Wickham secedes from the union.
I think I just traded facebook for textsfromlastnight.com and the crazy press citizen comments to all the Iowa City School District Redistricting madness. But with that said, I set out to fast and sacrifice during Lent to in some way partake of the experience with Jesus and I fasted and I sacrificed. Facebook fasting was harder than I thought because it is such a habit to quickly just log on and check it. I have been thinking about my first post for tomorrow morning for about a week. It has to be the right mix of clever and cool. aaahhhh only about 24 more hours until I can post. Bill and I have decided you can't have what you fasted from until right after the worship leader at church tomorrow announces, Christ is Risen. The year I gave up diet coke, I quickly opened a bottle and started chugging it during the first worship song. I don't think our church has wi-fi which is good because I would be tempted to check on my ipod during service.
I have learned about myself this Lent, my connectedness to people, how hard it is to truly break a habit. I am thankful for this experience that as Christians we are called to take part in this holy season. I am anxiously awaiting Easter Sunday. Lucas' first easter basket and a cute little outfit that hopefully his stomach flu will not get the best of. I can get back on facebook. Bill can pound down a few beers over pizza at Sams. But really above all of that I am looking forward to worshiping with our awesome church tomorrow morning that Christ has Risen indeed. Our sins are paid in full. It is finished and He has conquered death so that we may have eternal life. Amen!

1 comment:

Stacey P said...

I am a little sad to see the facebook fast end-- since it has been accompanied by more frequent blog posts. Either way though, thanks for sharing your lesson in fasting.