We have figured out that Lucas has an aversion to packing tape. The sound of it being ripped off a box. The sound of it being put on a box. On Monday when Bill picked up Lucas from day care, Ms Lisa mentioned that he had just finished having a fit when she was opening a box. Bill didn't think anything of it because he was happy when Bill was there. Today Bill brings a box into the playroom where we are playing and starts to open it. Screams. Tears. I put him on my lap with his snuzzle and instantly he is better. Then Bill remembers what Ms Lisa had said. Weird, I thought and then forgot about it because about an hour later I was prepping some graduation presents with packing tape in the kitchen and as I pull the tape off I hear Bug start to scream. I can see him in the play room. Nothing is happening, he didn't fall or get his finger smushed. Bill yells from the other room, 'see he hates packing tape'. It is so odd. I rush to him, pick him up, console him and he almost instantly calms down again. I wait a little bit, he is busy playing with something, his music is on and I press my luck. I pull off another piece and screaming again. So finally I listen to my kid and put the packing tape away.
We head to Walmart to buy him a bike helmet-- this will be fun knowing his total aversion to hats-- needless to say, he cried anytime I put one on. He was calm, I am holding him, I go over to an employee stocking shelves and ask if there are any other smaller bike helmets for babies, right when I get my question out, she starts to open a box. Screaming. Seriously, this kid hates packing tape. It is so weird. Who hates packing tape?
What a little personality already.
ha ha ha, that's funny.
And sad...to me packing tape is the sound of presents from far-off family and friends...
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