Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Groundhog Run Explained

I had trouble adding text to the last post probably because I am still using Microsoft Explorer and not Mozilla which makes me a really uncool blogger, I know.

Two weekends ago, the weekend before Groundhog's Day, we went down to Kansas City with our Iowa City friends, Jeremy and Shonna Negus along with our friends Tim and Amber Sheeley (and their sweet chubby baby, Ella) who belong to the Southeast Iowa Running Club to run the Groundhog Run with 3200 other people. The club charted a bus and we took the roadtrip together. We had a great time. The run was in a cave... a little boring on scenery but really cool to be underground. It was a nice flat run in a climate controlled environment.

Our highlights include:
three beds in our hotel room so no kid got the floor or a cot
Bill and Jeremy completing a 10 K race in great time
Me cutting 7 minutes off my time and breaking under 10 minute mile pace-- now i think it was really because i got a cute new matching running outfit-- my marathon friend Kristen told me it is all about the clothes. i felt faster just putting them on
Gabby finished 6th in her age group
Nile did great with no training (i feel like i "wasted" my pre teen years of just being in good shape because i was an active kid)

Below are some pics from the race for your viewing pleasure

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