Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Thursday, February 28, 2008

a culinary miracle

so after my pumpkin soup disaster in Nov which was practically non-editable and then the bagel float custard which tasted fine but really turned out funky, a miracle happened yesterday. i tried a new recipe for black bean soup and it actually tasted and looked like black bean soup and everyone LOVED it. the non culinary girl in me chopped, minced, sauteed, boiled, simmered and pureed... all in one day! that is a lot of work. and then i made a fresh salsa garnish for it. bill was irritated by my constant use of the word "garnish" but otherwise it was a miraculous day for me and my kitchen.

1 comment:

Erica Byers said...

Yay!!!! I knew you had it in you! I made up my own recipe last night with what we had on hand...let's just say I liked it, Corin liked it and well, it was a casserole, so Eric was on the fence before he even tasted it. Keagan was hilarious though. His comments before we ate: "Mom, this smells really good." and then while we were eating "I like it OK...but it's not my favorite." Since he has also been know to say "This doesn't smell good, but it tastes really good." I'll take it as a partial complement.