Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Friday, February 22, 2008

Healing Rain

Bill and I spent last week on vacation in sunny San Juan (pictures to come). The day before we left, friends from our housegroup had an emergent C section and their 5 lb 1 oz baby girl was born at 34 weeks and a few days. When we left town, the report was that all was well with mom and baby, praise God. Just some observation in the NICU due to size and prematurity. We got to San Juan when I realized we wouldn't have email access so I used our cell phone to call a friend back home just to get a quick update. That was when we were told baby had an infection and was getting a spinal tap to ensure the infection did not spread to the brain. Given our friends who just lost their son at in the NICU, we were obviously panicked, felt helpless and all we could do was pray. We didn't know any facts about the infection and not many of our medical questions we able to be answered. So Bill and I just prayed.

Two days later, we hadn't heard anything from home, I was working out, running on the treadmill in the 8th floor workout room which overlooked the ocean soaking in the scenery. I had my IPOD on listening to my sweet work out mix of worship music and show tunes (the show tunes are just to drive Bill crazy :-)). Anyway, the song 'Healing Rain' came on and I found myself just running and praying and pleading with the Lord to send His healing rain to our friend's baby girl and to protect her and keep her and heal her. I started to cry and just wanted to feel God's presence in my prayer and wanted to see His healing. Right as I got done running, it started to rain. A sweet warm rain. I went out on the balcony of the workout room to stand in it and soak it in, God's healing rain. Healing for me as I yearn for God more during my season of proactive Lent and healing, I hoped, for my friend's sweet baby girl. After we were done working out, we called friends back home and the update was great. Spinal tap negative. Not serious infection. Only 10 days of one antibiotic (rather than 21 days of multiple antibiotic).

Praise our Lord who answered my prayer and continues to shower His healing rain onto our lives.

1 comment:

Erica Byers said...

Wow Kate that is so encouraging to hear! I just commented on the post you sent me earlier, you can head over and read my response. I wanted to update you that my sister had her baby yesterday afternoon...another boy, Sterling Phoenix Hazzard 7# 2oz. They are all doing well.