I had many successes and failures when I was on Young Life staff. I told hundreds of kids about Jesus and to my knowledge only two of them actually believed me and chose to follow Him. (disclaimer- the Holy Spirit works in everyone and there may be much more fruit out there from my time in Canastota and Hingham but I am skeptical). So for now I pin that the only fruits on my tree are Lizzie and Katie. Lizzie went on to be on YL staff in London and Katie is in grad school for athletic training in Maryland. I (correction my mom and dad) flew them both out for my wedding which was great.
Now Lizzie is getting married to a wonderful Christian man named Phil. She 'bagged herself a Brit" and gets married in London in October. I am flying over to the wedding. I'll be on the ground for like 70 hours and the sticker shock on the plane ticket is enough to make your head spin but there are exactly 7 people in the world I would do this for and she happens to be one of them. So off to jolly ol' England I go. I bought a dress for it yesterday. A cute little dress make of very packable material which require neither an iron or nylons, but I had a shocking thought while in the dressing room of Ann Taylor Loft. Do I need to wear a hat? Luckily Lizzie has a Vonage line so I did the math about the time zone difference and called her in a panic. I look terrible in hats or in these random side yarmulkes with feathers. I think these princesses (or soon to be princess/queen) below look ridiculous thing. I mean I think no one actually laughs at them because there are still beheading at the Tower for stuff like that. I think freedom from these 'hats' in something we fought for during the Revolution. And Lizzie says no. I don't need to wear a hat. Her mom is threatening to wear a cowboy hat which is just like her mom. She said it is casual and I can wear flip flops. That is why I love this girl. If she could import Dunkin Donuts for her wedding cake, she would and that is why we are friends!

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