Bill ran yet another crazy race on Saturday. This race was in Des Moines and was a 8 mile trail run. Friday night we had some friends over to play games and didn't get to bed until a little past midnight. We were up at 5:55 to get on the road for the race. Even Bill made a statement about how crazy this was. But on our way we were. We hit a really icy patch of highway and had to crawl at like 10 miles/hour so we almost missed the race. But luck would have it we pulled into the finish with about 20 minutes to spare, Bill got changed in the car and I got him registered. The start was 8 miles north so we had to follow the bus of runners to the start as Bill continued to get ready in the car. Here is the shot of how bundled up Bill was. It was freezing cold, windy and icy.
Here are the racers at the start. Only about 50 of them. One girl wasn't wearing socks.
And they're off. Bill is about midway in this pack, wearing his red jacket.
After the start, I got back in the car and drove to the finish to wait for Bill. There was a 4 mile race as well I was going to do but the footing was too iffy and I didn't want to fall with Half Pint. So I stayed in the car, read a book and got ready at the finish line about 5 minutes before Bill expected himself to show up. And here he comes...
Bill got 3rd in his age group. It was so cold that there wasn't an award ceremony. They just gave you your award as your crossed the finish line and then everyone just got in their cars to warm up. This is the farthest Bill has ever raced and I was really proud he did it in such terrible conditions. He was really glad I didn't race after he was done racing because even with special attachments on his shoes for snow and ice, his footing was terrible. He was glad Half pint and I stayed warm in the car.

I still can't believe he did this race; probably the craziest one by far.
wow, bill is crazy. you cant help but admire his dedication to running. i want to be like him when i grow up
I think this might be the same race that Olivia's hubby did in Des Moines. YOu should ask her...
Never say an Iverson can't do something-Bill just proved that anything is possible!
The conversation at my house:
Me--Look at this race Bill ran. It's freezing cold. In December.In Iowa! Don't you think that's crazy?
James--Yea, it's crazy. I wouldn't do it.
Me--I wouldn't even get out of the car!
James--Don't you remember being a kid and going outside in all that snow?
Me--Yes, but they're not kids! They should know better.
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