Habbakuk 1:5b
Monday, June 30, 2008
Five years ago today
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Forgotten Race
Bill: I can't believe I ran a 21:38.
Katie: I can't believe I got lost.
Bill: But at least you were running fast, I can't believe I ran a 21:38.
Katie: Yeah but I GOT LOST.
Bill: Fair enough.
Then we would be silent for a while and repeat the conversation again. We have decided to call it the forgotten race and not speak of it again.
p.s. we clocked my 'detour' in the car after the run and I added on another 1/2 mile. according to my final time and the distance of 3.6 miles I would have blown away my PR. I ran sub 9 minute miles. oh well there is always next week. at least I had something funny to blog about today
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Grandma Cook

Monday, June 23, 2008
I am trying not to swear or I hate house projects- ADDENDUM BELOW
Ok first I call my husband because it seems like the right thing to do before running to daddy but he is busy at work and it is supposed to be a secret project so I really don't give him the details. I call my dad, try to explain to him what was happening and trying not to sound like a girl about to cry. I am be overtired today. My dad said 'go to Ace Hardware. some guy there can help you get what you need. sorry, beautiful, I am not there'. That just makes me more sad. So I go off to Ace, find a helpful guy like my dad said and got these fancy screws+anchors all in one for concrete or whatever kind of crap walls we have in our horrible guest room with nasty blue paint. Apparently many people come to Ace with similar emotional issues because there is a whole case of candy on the way out and I do a very non weight watcher thing and eat because I'm sad, lonely and tired. But it tasted good! My spirits are semi lifted. I return home ready to go. I get those new screws in place. Their heads are too big for holes in the back of the shelf. Shit. Seriously. So I improvise and finally get these two little shelves up. The level says they are not level which must be lying because I checked it like 10 times. Screw it. They are staying put. The rest of our house is on a tilt so maybe it is our 108 year old house which is not level. Now it is time to put up the bulletin board. I measure the distance between the holes on the back of the board, I measure their height from the top. I use a pencil to mark the wall and feeling pretty good about getting this done before Bill gets home. I drill the first hole, put in my fancy all in one screw. Then I go to the next hole. I start to drill, about 1 in circle of paint and plaster come flying at time. What the heck did I hit. I pull the drill out and it literally looks like I'm drilling into rock. I improvised a bit, remind myself that I can do this, I am Joe Cook's daughter after all. I get that screw in finally and then attempt to put up the bulletin board. It won't go. I am off by like a nano inch. Shit. Seriously. I have made this nasty looking huge hole in the way, all the paint is gone and I can't possible make a hole just a nano inch next to it. I try and try and try to get it to go, hammer the screw a bit to the L and up. Nothing works. I hate this house and its well put together 108 year old walls. Bill comes home. "What are you doing?"he asks. "Get down from there." (I am standing on the desk). I explain what I have been through and that I can't get this to go. He assures me he can fix it and get it work. Then I say a really bitchy mean wife comment, "In what like 3 years?". That comment comes from deep down issues about some unfinished projects we have around this house, too numerous and not fair to Bill to recollect in this blog but apparently I am bothered by them. The comment comes more from feeling helpless, hot in my non air conditioned 108 year old house that I currently hate and tired. I need to go apologize but before I do, let's summarize....
108 year old house 2 Katie 0
-- the first two brackets for the new curtains are in the wall uneven with a screw stuck the last time I tried to do something handy around the house
-- the dang bulletin board will not go and there is nasty bare plaster showing in our ugly yet clean extra room with nasty blue paint
Dad, hurry and come visit. Your to-do list is getting longer.
ADDENDUM: I had a long equally hilarious addendum written but blogger lost it. Curses. But it will suffice to say. I apologized. Bill was unfazed yet again at my ability to catastroph-ize (my friend Kim's made up word make catastrophe into a verb or used as catastrophizer the noun). He thanked me for thinking of how to highlight his awards and is thrilled the uncleaned room is now clean again after 2 years. He reminded me that it is a good life lesson to not attempt anything in the extra room between the months of May and Sept due to heat. He did remind me that I promised never to say I hated this house because if I truly hate this house then we need to move and I would be in charge of every detail of moving including finding the house, financing the house, packing our stuff including one zillion star wars figures which are all in a particular order, moving the stuff, unpacking the stuff and getting the new house all arranged. He has promised not to lift a finger in moving if we move because of my hatred of our house. I do wonder when we will get that bulletin board up. We have a long standing bet on the pile of rocks in our driveway that we bought last year for landscaping. He has a grand plan for landscaping, however he has not moved one single rock and they still sit on the driveway since we bought them in Spring 2007. The bet is that I think the rock will still be there when my dad retires. Bill says my dad will never retire. Keep reading to see who wins.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Update on Goals for 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
So that's how it feels...EDITED VERSION
Thursday, June 19, 2008
There sure are a lot of cops out...
And then it happened really fast.... two cop cars, two black SUVs one with the president's little hood flags on it, one truck with army guys with big guns in it, two more cop cars, another truck with troops in it, the Johnson County Ambulance, three or four 15 passenger vans labeled press 1, press 2, extra, another few SUVs and one last cop car. I just had front row seats to the presidential motorcade. Political opinion aside, that guy travels in ridiculous style and security. That is why there are so many cops out on the roads. GW had landed to survey the damage. Bill missed it all, finally came out and I said, I just saw the presidential motorcade go past. He said, You probably were thrilled seeing how you voted for him twice.
I guess I will never live that down.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Here is the same funny lady doing a song for Father's. See my mother's day post if you are not familiar with her work.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
safe and dry and on the same side of the river
Here are some pictures from my phone. For all those who know town, this was taken from the walking bridge over Riverside as I was about cross the Burlington St bridge. The water is about 20 ft over the bank. The Old Capital is the background.

A chinook? Are you kidding me?
Tomorrow at UIHC a chinook helicopter will be bringing in nurses who cannot get here due to the flooding. It rents for $4000/hr according to the National Guard spokesman who was at the disaster meeting this morning that one of our ER physicians attended. We all decided it would be cheaper to pay overtime to the people who are already here, give us free spicy fries (my favorite cafeteria food) and put us up in the dorms (the latter of which they are doing) rather than go with the chinook option. Apparently it is landing at the IC airport but the roads from the airport are flooded and I wonder if they are also renting a duck boat to bring the folks in from there. I am sure there will be new cameras there hoping to see someone fabulous jump out and it will be at least 3 ER nurses with lunch boxes. It is big news around this place and I still cannot believe this is the best option for our tax payer money.
500 year flood
I will probably spend most of the day today surfing the internet and trying to look busy because as more roads get closed the only way here is by helicopter. But somehow they still come; the non emergent emergencies. I saw a guy with an ingrown toenail. I wanted to say, "don't you know there is a 500 year flood happening outside?" They are staging ambulances on both sides of the river and soon when the last bridge closes no emergencies from the east side of town will be able to make it to our ER. They will have to go to the private hospital on the east side of town and they are working to make that private hospital's parking lot a helipad to fly people across the river if needed.
Our river is not expected for crest until Tuesday; they are rushing to try to save much of the campus. For some reason (humidity and tornados may be the reasons) our main University library has all its special collection in the basement. 500,000 volumes to move by hand passed up person to person in the stairwells.
The pictures of the flood are impressive. Check out http://www.presscitizen.com/.
Friday, June 13, 2008
saved by the 500 year flood
interdivision play
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Came home to a clean house, nice comfy bed and got some good sleep. Bill had to work this afternoon so I am sure a nap will be in our future when he gets home. Thanks for following our adventure to and from Mazatlan. Please continue to pray for the work being done down there and pray for my water logged beloved state of Iowa. This flooding is unreal. I will try to get pictures from the trip on the blog in the next few days!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Mazatlan Day 7
We bought a walmart plastic tote and decided to leave a lot of our supplies down here instead of lugging them back every time. They are being kept locked up in the office and should really help our luggage allowance for the upcoming trips. I did find out at continential.com that they will only charge for the extra bag any ticket bought after May 8th so hopefully we will not have to pay extra tomorrow.
One sad note, we had to say goodbye to Big Blackie today. Big Blackie is a huge heavy rolling suitcase who has been with me since at least 2000. It was a hand me down from my folks. We have seen the world together, me and Big Blackie. He still has a tag on him from the cruise I went on in 2001. And he has my official YL area director name tag from 2000. Big Blackie has three of his four corners covered in duct tape and he is really dirty but he still rolls like a champ and has made 7 trips to and from Mexico, 28 days of clinic in the colonias being dragged through the dust and dirt. Big Blackie has not has pulls for his zippers for about 5 years. He has these plastic tabs my dad put on him. Big Blackie´s main zipper broke this trip and only one zipper will close the bag and that one does not go all the way around. There is no way Big Blackie could make it home having to be opened by security. I am afraid he will not get closed again. And though you cannot put a price tag on a faithful companion like Big Blackie, I am not spending $25 (if we get charged) to bring him home almost empty because he is too big to fit in another suitcase and too fat and squat for any suitcase to fit in him. So Big Blackie was emptied for the last time today. I took off my favorited name tags. I rubbed some dirt off his handle and gave him a kiss. Sleep well, Big Blackie, in the place were used and abused and discarded suitcases go. We were great together. You will be missed and I love you almost as much as any other inantimate object that I have named. (I took some farewell pictures and will post them when I get back)
Wanted for our next trip: a slightly used big roller suitcase who could never replace Big Blackie but will be loved, used, rolled through the dirt, loaded to 49.5 lbs, tossed on and off airplanes and given a proper name. He will join Big Blue, Gigante (who is bigger than Big Blackie but newer to the fleet) and Duct (a smaller version of gigante who had duct tape to close a huge hole in him last trip but Bill did surgery with a giant needle and some twine I think and now he is free of duct tape but retains the title). How could I not mention our faithful duffle? Purple Cow. Bill hates purple cow because he does not pull that well, but he is giant and bright and hard to miss on the turnstyle at baggage claim.
Prayer requests:
safe air travel tomorrow and ease at customs coming home
safe driving home from Minneapolis with no major road closing due to flooding
for Iowa City as the floods just get worse.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mazatlan Day 6
We had a few hours off during which I took a run in the hot mid day sun. This sounds ridiculous and trust me it was. I was so tired and hot when I got back. I forgot to wear sunscreen and thought I would run fast enough not to get burned :-) but that did not happen. I ran really slow actually, the slowest 3 miles in a long time but about 2 minutes into my run I realized survival was the goal.
At about 3:30 we left to go to one of the local colonia churches for their Sunday evening service. None of the local neighborhood churhces have service on Sunday morning because all the leaders are at the main church so they have them on Sunday night. We drove to Villa Union where we will do clinic tomorrow. A retired American couple who work down here most of the year picked us up and we were on our way. We stopped several times to pick up young teenagers who help with the kids program out there. Villa Union is actually a separate town outside the city and is about a 45 minute drive. Our friends, Kyle and Ellen who are full time church planters down here, run the Sunday night service and we met them out there not before having to go through a military check point looking for drugs. Bill and I had a moment of panic because all our meds were in the back of the van and I did not have our paperwork with us but we just got waved through. We helped clean up church and set up. This church has multiple pigeons living in it so you can imagine what the floor looks like. Angie and Jaime, our best Spanish speakers, took to the streets around the church with flyers inviting folks to the clinic on Tuesday. There were about 10 people at the service and probably 15 kids who had a lesson upstairs. We worshipped and then sat in a circle where Kyle gave a lesson about the healing about the leper. At the end we were standing in that circle and Kyle asked anyone who wanted prayer to take a step in. 4 of the Mexicans took a step forward and we had a good prayer time. Our team was very touched by the service and though it took some of our "free" time away, it was an experience we will not forget. We stopped and had not-bad-by-our-standards pizza on the way home. Then we all piled in the van, dropped each kid off at their house and finally made it back to our hotel at about 8:30.
Our group has gotten into playing Dominos here at night. The first night we played I beat Bill on the last play of the last hand. We are playing a game Jaime taught us called Chicken Train but I think it is similar to Mexican Train. Bill and I bought two cheap sets of dominos yesterday so all 6 of us can play. Last night Bill edged out Shonna by two points in another hotly contested match.
Today was our day off and all I really did was sleep. Woke up at 11:15, ate lunch, went back for a nap at 2 pm and just woke up at almost 5. Most of us are feeling a bit under the weather. Two of us are taking cipro for traveler´s diarrhea so we needed the good rest.
Prayer requests:
continued and renewed health for all of us especially jeremy and angie who are the most ill of our group currently
a good last day tomorrow in clinic
ease of ´closing up shop´ here which means an inventory of our meds, what to leave and what to take home in terms of our medical supplies
that we can consolidate our luggage to one bag a person for the way home to save money
iowa city is having extreme flooding and it looks to get only worse
thanks to everyone who has been faitful in prayer
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Mazatlan Day 4
Your blood pressure is a lot cheaper (better) today
I am going to take your temperature in your eye (ear) do not worry, it will not hurt
Do not worry, no one likes you (it) --in reference to poking a finger for a blood sugar
This cream is for your baby´s red ass (rash)
I need to check the sugar in your sangria (instead of sangre which is blood in spanish)
Update from yesterday´s blog- that birthday party got cancelled and rescheduled due to that threat but there was no violence in Madero last night
Prayer requests:
good refreshment and relaxation for our day at church tomorrow (we will attend 3 services) and for our day off on monday
fun time with our team together during our free time
Friday, June 6, 2008
Mazatlan Day 3
We have one more day in clinic tomorrow before we have Sunday for church and Monday for our day off. Tomorrow will be a modified clinic day seeing patients only from about 1-4 as there will be a meal and service for the kids at Valles in the morning that we will help out with.
Prayer requests:
renewal of energy to give it one more day before we have some good rest
for our patience with each other and for our tongues not to be sharp and for grace with each other to be overflowing
for that party in Madero tonight that no one would get shot and that girl could celebrate her 15th birthday like a princess
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Mazatlan Day 2
Prayer requests for tomorrow:
that we have another successful clinic at Madero with lots of repeat patients (Madero is the tolerant zone for drugs/prostitution etc in the city and can be a really dark place)
that we would feel well rested in the morning
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Mazatlan Day 1
We are staying at a new different hotel which is much nicer than the one we usually stay at (which was plenty nice) so we feel spoiled. However, I feel out of sorts because at the old place I know how everything works from the safe in the room to where to get pool towels etc. I guess I am never too old to learn. :-). I am also uncaffienated, exhausted and hypoglycemic which isn´t helping me adapt well to new surroundings.
The internet place here is only open until 6 pm so my hopes to blog everyday may be in vain because I will miss the window of open internet. I´ll see if I can find another computer.
The highlight of the day was on our first take off. I forgot Jaime had never flown before and she had this amazing open mouth, wide open eye grin/laugh when we started going fast for takeoff and when we got off the ground. I should have snapped a picture because it was worth a million words.
Prayer requests -
our first full day tomorrow we´ll be having clinic at Urias, that it all goes smoothly with set up and flow of patients
that we can get all our meds sorted and labeled tonight and get some sleep too
for jeremy and shonna, the last of our team, who will be flying in on the exact same route we took today
for my attitude to not be too bossy, irritated because i´m hot and tired and to feel free to enjoy the time here and not be too stressed that it all has to be done the way i want
Hopefully i´ll be able to post tomorrow. this place has wireless internet but i can´t seem to get mine to work...dad, anyone- any suggestions?
thanks to my faithful friends for following along and being in this with me.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Other Mazatlan
Mazatlan Day -1
Well we are leaving in 4.5 hours and I just finished packing the luggage. I still have to tackle our carryons. We had not one thing packed until about 11 am this morning. Bill left a good part of his 'to do' list to last night which made me crazy and overly irritated because he has known he had to do these things since we arrived home from Mexico in January. That irritation coupled with a terrible 12 hour shift at work which did for the first time bring me to tears made for a long day. I had to have a moment in the bathroom crying but recovered well and I don't think anyone was the wiser of my breakdown. Oh yeah and he bought the wrong test strips for our glucometer but turns out they don't make the strips for our glucometer anymore so at like midnight he ran to Walgreens to buy a new glucometer for the strips he bought the other day.
He did get all his stuff done, got a few hours of sleep and because we traded our small Honda for our pastors suburban we only have one car to drive today which is not a crisis except I had to drive him to work spoiling my sleep in plans. We had a biblical deluge of rain today so now we have standing water in the basement which I cannot deal with. I did my monthly weigh in at weight watchers so now I can eat all the cheese I want in Mexico and have until July to burn it off. But seeing as how the weather report from Mazaltan is "hot, humid, upper 90s, no chance of rain or a cloud for 4 months" I may just sweat it off.
In the midst of packing Gabby calls from her last day of junior high, 'could you pick me up please please please? I just cleaned out my locker and I can't walk home'. So off to Regina I head and it is unclear how big her locker actually is because she had a huge garbage bag of what I can only imagine is crap she has been looking for since August. She was grateful and it was good to see her however briefly before we left. Nile graduated from 6th grade yesterday, had no school today so he spent the night. We will miss his birthday which he thinks is just another reason why Dad loves Gabby more. ugh! Thanks to all the snow days pushing the last day of school a week later we were really boxed into these dates.
I was planning a long run this afternoon if I got my stuff done but realized I just packed my running shoes etc and I am not opening those suitcases again. So after my last few errands, I plan to put the clothes away that are on the bed and take a nice nap before I have to go retrieve Bill, pack the suburban, pick up the rest of the team and head up to Minneapolis.
Bill just called from work asking about our on the road dinner and now I'm finally getting excited.
Prayer requests for day -1:
safety of travel tonight and tomorrow, on time flights
jaime's passport has a typo and I pray no one notices
green lights at customs so we get all our medicine through
good bonding of our team in the first 24 hours
for me to calm down and realize it all got done and being a ball of stress the last 24 hours has not been productive and just made the ulcer I know I have worse
Thanks for praying! Next blog from hot and steamy Mazatlan.