So today I went to Stuff, which is our consignment shop, and I cleaned up. I can't believe the deals I got. I am taking everyone's advice and I am embracing my new body and trying to glow. Gals at work said to add some things that you picked out to your handmedowns and you'll feel much better about clothes and getting fatter. We'll see how long it lasts.
These four shirts were 'regular' price (but I got 10% off because I donated a dollar to their charity of the day) ...
$4.50, $6.29, $3.60, $3.00
brown cords on the L still with tags on them, $8.99
green cords in the middle, my 'splurge' of the day, $11.69 (I have them on right now and they are so comfy and cute)
army green cotton pants on the R $7.19
this super cute, maybe impractical for iowa winter but i can wear it in Mexico and in the spring before i (hopefully) get back to my old clothes, dress.
tags still on it, original price $46.99
stuff price $19.99, but 80% off today so I got it for $4.00
The dress on the L is fake velvet which I can wear when I see Wicked in Chicago in a few weeks. Little flowers along the empire waist. 50% off today, I paid $3.50.
Grand total for 4 shirts, 3 pants and 3 dresses... $57.62
I can't believe the finds I found. Thanks to my friend, Ali, who told me Stuff in Coralville is better than the one in Iowa City and thanks to you all for helping me regroup and 'remoralize' after my demoralization. You all are the best!
I can't believe the finds I found. Thanks to my friend, Ali, who told me Stuff in Coralville is better than the one in Iowa City and thanks to you all for helping me regroup and 'remoralize' after my demoralization. You all are the best!
Now we need to see you model your good finds!
I'm happy to hear your spirits are on the rise :0) You found some cute and comfortable stuff! If I hadn't borrowed most of mine and they weren't all summer clothes...I'd send some your way!
LOVE the empire waist dress, Katie. It's very P&P
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