Yesterday Bill, TBL, Aunt Susie, Nile and I went to the Silvis Family Fun Run. Nile hung out with TBL while the rest of us ran. So up at 6 am we were and off to Silvis Il. Bill has run this race for three years now and I ran it last year. Last year I was barely pregnant but huffing and puffing and dripping with sweat on a crazy humid day. I got 2nd place in my age group with a respectable 30:08 time, 9:43 mile pace. Then I freaked out when my ob/gyn said the next week 'running is fine as long as you are not getting too overheated'...then I remember being so freakin' hot and sweating running at Silvis that I cried thinking I had cooked my baby when he was trying to grow a brain and stuff. I was just hysterical of a pregnant lady :-) So this year I was hoping to better my time or at least do as well. I ran faster at Durant last week but Silvis has a huge giant hill at the beginning. All was fine to start and then the hill came. I felt like my sweet deceased Grandma Cook who used to walk so slow and hunched over when I was running up the hill, I was unsure if I was making any forward progress. First mile 9:05, wicked fast, must be short I thought. One tired foot in the front of the other I went and as I sped down the hill to the finish (the reward for going up the hill to start) I crossed the finish line in 27:47! my new personal best. 4 mo ago I had delivered Lucas and now I was running sub 9 minute miles! I can't believe it. Aunt Susie cleaned my clock getting her PR at 26 minutes something. Bill ran the 10 K and wanted to get under 42 minutes and he came in at 40:48. Nile and TBL cheered all of us into the finish. Aunt Susie got first in her age group, Bill got second in his and I defended my 2nd place in my age group. Sadly and ironically the older you get in the running world, the faster people are. I don't think once I turn 35 next week I will getting as many medals and trophies. I have fully enjoyed my last weeks of the 30-34 age group... four races, three pieces of hardware. Not bad for only running since June 17th.
Here is a super cute picture of me and TBL after the race. He loves to look out and watch all the activity. I can't wait for him to 'run' the 1/4 fun run next year at Silvis. He'll be 16 months then and hopefully steady enough on his feet.
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