Habbakuk 1:5b
Friday, January 30, 2009
bill and i leave for a week in england tomorrow. he is doing some collaboration work with a doctor at Cambridge. i am excited for the week together and for the time i'll have alone when he is working. we will be able to sight see some and bill has never been to england. we will spend some time with my friend Lizzie and her husband Phil whose wedding i went to in October in London. i am even excited for the long flight just to be together the two of us. i am excited for inflight movies. i am going unplugged; no computer, no email, no phone. i am taking like 10 books and plan to drink tea. i plan to have a heart to heart with myself about my crabass attitude and its need for adjustment especially in my last trimester.
please pray that we have a restful, refreshing trip together we need it. (don't worry about my blog, i'll keep good notes to update it when i get back so you won't miss a moment) :-)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Choosing to put on love
Monday, January 19, 2009
I live in the land with no donuts. No Dunkin Donuts. Certainly no Tim Horton donuts. Just some crappy Krispy Cremes which arrive to the gas station already a day old. When I was a kid and we traveled through southern Canada we would stop at Tim Hortons (the Canadian version of Dunkin Donuts) to get my dad a coffee and we would get timbits (the Canadian version of the donut hole). I love Tim Hortons and I lament living in a land with no donuts. Luckily for me are there not only a bunch of Dunkin Donuts here in NY at my folks but Tim Hortons has come to America. Today we stopped, I drolled from like 10 minutes at the donut case and then got some chocolate glazed timbits. They were purely delightful.
Madison took this picture of me with my decaf Tim Hortons coffee and my sweet little box of timbits. Yum!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
To my big brother, David, the most overlooked guy in town
Pictures from our fun day.
We also celebrated my dad's birthday which is on 2/2 with another cake. We have like 1000 slides of all of our childhood pictures. My brothers and I want them converted to discs so we can have them/reproduce them. I'm dying to find the picture of my eldest brother David who climbed over the side of the Grand Canyon and said, "Help mom I'm falling" Once my mom's heart started beating again and my dad finished 'talking through his teeth' at David, they realized he was safe and took a great picture. Anyway we bought my dad a slide converter so he can begin working on storing our childhood memory on some type of usable 21st century media.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Loot for Lucas
Chance Encounters
So one of my closest friends in college was Janna. We were RAs together. After college we lost touch out of no faults of our own just time and distance and busy lives. I always wondered where she ended up. Two spring breaks ago while on a long layover in Chicago, we took the kids into the Field Museum for the day rather than sitting in O'Hare. When we got our food in the bustling food court for a quick lunch, I walked right into Janna who was there with her family. Her eldest son woke up that day and said he wanted to see the dinosaurs so off to the Field Museum they went. It was so random and fun to run into her all these years after college. So we got on Facebook and we started to just chat every now and then. Last summer when we went to Tybee Island in Georgia, I got a note from Janna that they were moving there the day after we left. So my mom and I scoped out their new house and left a fun 'welcome home' gift in her mailbox. Anyway long story, but yesterday in O'Hare Bill and I were walking to Terminal C and the gal in front of me on the walking sidewalk looked a lot like Janna. Her hair, her build, her walk. There is no way she is in Chicago, I thought. She still works for her Chicago company from Savannah and comes up once a month for meetings but what are the odds. I am telling Bill a story and start to talk a bit louder knowing that if it is Janna she will recongize my voice and turn around. By golly it was her. Our next flights were leaving from gates right next to each other so we got to sit, have a bite to eat and catch up. Another random chance encounter with Janna. It was a delightful way to spend our layover.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ready for the trip
Then you take the piece of foam out and find the team in their traveling compartments he cut out of foam. I said why does everyone get a private place and not those 4 on the left? Those are for practice painting, Bill said. Guess they won't make the team.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Where did she come from?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Montage from Mazatlan
Here is a group shot from Church on Sunday.
Back row... Cassie Wassink, Kiwi Georgia, Kiwi Rosa, Kiwi James (Dad), Bill, Me, Elizabeth, Marya Outterson (family from Boston)
Middle row... Josh Wassink, Tom Wassink with Adey Wassink whose arm is around Abby Outterson, Kiwi Ben, Kiwi Anna (Mom), Joe Wassink, Luke Wassink, Mariel and Benjamin Bryden (med students) and Kevin Outterson
Front row: Kiwi Joe, Caleb Wassink, Mim Winn, Meredith Outterson, Derek (recent Iowa grad) and Josh Fischer aka Fish (med student) missing Katie Outterson who was a bit under the weather
Bill and I getting coffee after church
Elizabeth and I and if you look closely you can see Lucas' distortion of my body
Kevin with the help of Kiwi Rosa explaining medication dosing to a patient at Dona Chonita
Home at last
Tuesday we had clinic at Kyle and Ellen's colonia, Dona Chonita. It went well. The building has no walls so it was dusty and windy and actually a bit chilly (if it is ok to complain about being cold while in Mexico). We had the mobile kitchen and mobile Sunday school come out with us so it was a busy day for our team. We saw 88 patients. Tuesday night was Elizabeth's last night so we went out for dinner and played some cards.
Wednesday was our last day at clinic. Elizabeth did leave for the airport by taxi after breakfast and it was sad to see her go. We had such a fun time hanging out and she was such a HUGE asset to our clinics. We had clinic that day at Universo which is right next to another colonia named Loma Bonita so it was basically like seeing two colonias in one day and it felt like it because we saw over 130 patients. It was a really long tiring day. We did have the mobile kitchen which our teenage team members ran mostly and had the mobile Sunday school out there as well. When our last patient left for the day and we were all packed it, we all exhaled a giant sigh of relief. We had done it. We were finished.
Kiwi Joe (which we called him to distinguish him from the Joe we brought with us) had a birthday on Thursday, the day we were leaving so we had a surprise party for him Wednesday night complete with yummy Mexican cakes and two pinatas. It was fun to be together as a whole team (minus Elizabeth :-( ) to celebrate not only Kiwi Joe but our entire experience together. God showed up and did amazing things in our lives and in our outreach. Though typing this being back at home with a cold and over tired, I can truly say there is no other way I would have wanted to spend my last week. It was the biggest team I had ever taken/lead and the logistics leading up to were multiple but the entire week went so smoothly and the team did so amazing.
We were blessed a thousand times over to have the Legat family from New Zealand with us, James, Anna and their four kids, Georgia, Rosa, Ben and Joe. They jumped right in, worked so so so hard, never complained and were up for anything. James preached at one of the colonia churches on Sunday night which was the first time he had ever done something like that. He did fantastic.
We had no trouble with our flights but landed to almost blizzard like conditions south of Minneapolis on Thursday night. Bill did hero-worship driving getting us home safely. Our normal 4 hour drive took almost 7 but we arrived home before 6 am on Friday morning. I slept almost the entire time which was good because the conditions were so bad I would have been freaked out. Bill had clinic Friday morning which he did on like 2 hours of sleep but he did come home and sleep all the rest of the day. We are unpacked with mounds of laundry to do. Now all we need to do is take our Christmas decorations down :-)
I did put a bunch of pictures in the next posting showing what we did all week. I am already looking forward to the next time I go. Bill will go alone with a team in May and then we'll go together again with Lucas in September. I can't wait to have my little boy grow up among this ministry and to enjoy his time in Mazatlan as much as his parents do.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Mazatlan Update- what day is it?
Church today was good. Fred taught about not getting weary and continuing to serve and fight for what we know God wants to do down here and in our lives. It was helpful for Bill and I as now on our 8th trip we are getting a bit weary. Fred talked about how we may not see the fruit of our labor for years or even in our lifetime but that doesn't mean there will not be fruit. It was a powerful reminder for Bill and I today.
One of my old YL friends, Sydney Boone Gaylord- mother of 3, just got diagnosed with a brain tumor. She is getting great care at Duke and had a biopsy last week. Right now they believe it is malignant and non operatable due to its location. I got this news from a mutual friend just the other day. Today in church one of the verse Fred used was 2 Cor 4:16-18. Sydney must have brought up this verse while at Lake Champion where we were on the laundry crew together one summer because I had it highlighted in my Bible with her name next to it. It is a powerful reminder of what to really hold on to and my prayer for Sydney and her family and for me in my weariness.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal."
Thanks Sydney for sharing those words with me over 15 years ago. We are praying for you and knows God will continue His mighty work in your life.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Mazatlan Update
Today was our first day at clinic. We were at Valles; the day started slow but we ended up seeing about 90 patients. Half of our team, mainly the kids, went to paint at a different colonia and they did an amazing job. The stories I heard and the pictures I saw were awesome. Apparently no one grumbled and they got a lot more done than even the church done here expected. It was great to hear their stories when we got back together tonight. The medical clinic ran relatively smoothly so that was good. I'm really tired as are the rest of us. Tomorrow we have a long day at another colonia as we will be helping feed the kids in the morning and then having clinic all afternoon. I'll try to blog more tomorrow night.
Bill and I can't believe Ol Miss beat Texas Tech which proves my theory that I think the Big 12 South is all about high power offense... they are like the NBA of college football. Also I can't believe Utah is going to beat pretty boy John Parker Wilson and Alabama. Utah should be playing for the National Championship Game next week. The BSC sucks and I hope our new president, Barack Obama, can make a change to the playoff system which actually works. I am excited to watch Texas kick the crap out of Ohio State on Monday and can't wait to hear the analysts talk about how weak the Big 10 is all the while singing the praises of the Hawkeyes, the only Big 10 team to win their bowl game. Go Hawks!