Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Sunday, January 18, 2009

To my big brother, David, the most overlooked guy in town

We were at my brother David's house this afternoon for the game and dinner. His wife, Melissa, is an amazing chef and made quite a spread of food. During half time, she had her own cooking show and taught us how to make fresh mozzarella cheese. David went on my blog and read the post about the shower and started to get all whiny that I mentioned Brian coming in from NYC and not him being around making the day as a family so special. "You never blog about me" he laments. He was finding something else to complain about seeing as how the Eagles couldn't win the freakin' game. See David lives in town so he thinks he is the most overlooked guy around. No one throws David a party for coming home-- he's no prodigal son. He's the eldest son who stayed home and mows my folks lawn (he charges them by the way). David is the one who picks my folks up at the airport and keeps their car in his driveway when they are out of town (not to mention he drives it while they are gone because he likes it better than his car- he probably returns it on empty too). So Dave thinks he gets the short end of the stick. I told David I'd blog an entry all about him.
We left our shoes out in their cold little entryway tonight so when we left our feet were freezing. Melissa said, "I told David to bring them in but he refused". I said, "I'll blog about that so watch out what you complain about". Last night at my folks, I really wanted to go out and get a Diet Coke so David offered to drive me in my folk's Mercury Mountaineer (I told you he likes that car). So he grabs the keys and out to the driveway we go in the cold to get prego some poison (but it tastes soooooooo good). We quickly realize he grabbed the wrong keys. After a few chilly moments of 'you go' 'no you go' 'i'm not going' I come up with the brilliant plan to call my dad on our cell phone and have him bring the keys out. We start hysterically laughing that our plan is actually working and out from the garage comes my dad with the other set of keys. At the grocery store, David can't figure out how to turn off the lights and then he can't figure out how to realize the parking brake (it is unclear why my folks entrust their car to him for days on end). As I typed that story, I realized it was really only funny if you were there.
But truthfully, my other brother, Brian, and I appreciate David being so close to my folks to keep an eye on them and the house. It would be a lot harder to be so far from home if there wasn't a sibling so close. Sure, he charges my folks to mow their lawn and probably eats all of their food and I'm sure he steals things from their house that he likes when they aren't looking but he's a great guy and I love him dearly. So take that, David, a blog entry all about you.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Dave-Dad and I appreciate you !