Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Saturday, March 15, 2008


OK I was tagged a few weeks ago by my good Bobby E friend, Laura, in North Carolina. Here are the rules

Here are the rules:

1. List 7 random things about yourself that people may not know - see below

2. Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours - i don't know how to link this to Laura but check out her blog www.amomontheverge.blogspot.com

3. Post the rules on your blog - done

4. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. - which I will do at the end but again have no idea how to link anyone

Random Things

#1 When I was a child, I fell thigh deep in blueberry pie filling at my parent's bakery.

#2 The stairs in our front hall match the life size Yoda statue we display proudly in our foyer. We are Star Wars Geeks to the core.

#3 Both of my grandfathers changed their names before they started their families so I am not related to anyone outside of my extended family who shares the name Cook or Scott.

#4 I have the entire script of It's a Wonderful Life memorized and cry at the same spots every time I see it. "Say brainless, don't you know where coconuts come from?"

#5 I name inanimate objects. My car's name is Legolas, my favorite chair's name is Winston and my oldest plant's name is Floyd (see below)
#6 The first thing I'd do with a million dollars is hire a gardener. I really detest yard work.

#7 I have a doll I got when I was two named Boydoll (because she has a plastic head with no real hair) and a bean bag frog named Froggy I got when I was 5 that I am most likely unhealthily attached to. I travel with them. I do not leave them in luggage, in the house overnight or anywhere where they could potentially get lost or burn in a fire. When I went on a cruise at the age of 25, it was hard to decide about taking them on the ship worried they, at some time, could fall overboard or leave them in my apartment where they could get engulfed in a fire. I blame it on my mom who used to 'make them talk' before I went to bed so in my mind they have entire life stories and personalities. Luckily for my husband, they have been relegated to the side of the bedroom with some other stuffed animals and don't have to sleep with us. When I was little they were an integral part of my fire safety plan. I slept with a bag between the mattresses that I was going to pull out, shove them in, use Boydoll's plastic head to break the window, toss them onto the lawn, crawl out the window, down the roof, jump in the bushes, retrieve the bag and wait by the mailbox which was designated our family meeting spot. Ingenious plan if you ask me!

I don't know if I have 7 friends who have blogs to tag but feel free to leave random facts about yourself in a comment.

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