They wanted some shots of the leaders I had in high school and these are the ones I found. These people below were the words, feet and hands of Jesus in my life during high school and I debt I owe to them, investing in my life and telling me about saving faith in Christ is enormous. They deserve tribute and homage so I am giving them that in my blog. I am who I am today because of them. If you know the person who led you to Christ or the people in your early faith life that were influential in keeping you on track, take a minute to say Thanks to them if you know where they are or Thank God for them again in your prayers.

Bill Tibbit and Suzanne Neiding.
our leadership team when I was a senior in high school. the happy guy on the R in the green sweater is Mike Terranova who deserves not only my thanks but the thanks for 1000s of high school kids who have heard about Christ because he told us. the guy on the L in the glasses is Bob Brittingham who later became one of my summer camp program partners, he helped me navigate my senior year in high school. Don't miss Jon Eric back row in the middle who was the worst prom date ever but taught me a lot about forgiveness
Rob Wolfe and Mike Terry. Mike Terry was the person at camp my first summer who spoke to me about praying for Christ to come into my heart one morning during free time on the back porch of the old club room at Saranac
Stacey Prinzing on the L and I were two peas in a pod our last few years of high school trying to figure out how to love God and each other and our friends while passing SUPA economics, running a year book, finding prom dates and picking colleges. Suzanne in the middle of us was our leader helping us navigate these very treacherous waters.
and two things:
1. Never trust a guy with 2 first names
2. You were cute back then, but now you're a slammin hottie. As the person who introduced me to Christ, I think it's only right that you introduce me to how to get better as you get older.
and thanks again, really, for everything. LOVE YOU!
And how wonderful that so many of those relationships have lasted for 20 years!
These pictures kind of make you want to pull out a turtleneck and rugby, don't they?
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