Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The purple wave

Nile started at "Junior Scholars Academy" today taking a course in Nanomedicine. He is living on campus here at the University of Iowa in Burge Hall where I was an RA for two years. Burge Hall; the home of the purple wave. I was flooded with a sea of memories from the two years I lived there; the good, the bad and the dramatic. I can't believe how much it has changed and how much it looks exactly the same; his floor has the exact same peptobismol pink tile. I called two of my RA friends while in Nile's room on the 3200s just to reminisce about our days there. It was so surreal to be back. Burge holds so many of my college memories; my first boyfriend, the dramatic fire drill saga and the 'heart wrenching' break up...countless night on duty watching residents pour contraband alcohol down their sinks, telling folks to quiet down while they were engaging in suspicious intimate behavior, encountering the naked drunk guy duct taped to his desk chair in the hallway... amazing relationships with the gals on my floor going through life with them was such a privilege. I can't believe I'm kind of related to someone old enough to go to a Belin Blank Camp and live in Burge. I know it will only be 5 years until we are probably moving Nile into his dorm room at Iowa...now that will be surreal.

metal beds no more

too bad they are standing in front of the same strange small sink that has been there 50 years.


Linda Cook said...

Great pic of the men. Get me a copy.densesti

Stacey P said...

Hmmm I remember the first boyfriend and the fire drill and the break-up...I'm pretty sure that was the season you stopped calling. :) Seems like another lifetime.