Oh I had a day, that's for sure. First of all, I woke up a bunch last night just for fun and for milks. And then I woke up at about 6:15 and was all restless. I had a big poopy diaper but no one knew it. Mommy and Daddy brought me into bed it them; I dozed a bit but really acted liked a whirling dervish. At about 7:45 I had had it. I started to scream. Mommy said, "Please Lucas two more minutes" but I was like "NO MORE MINUTES" and I meant it. She picked me up and changed my diaper, boy! was she surprised. Now all the poop had dried on so I was grumpy because she had to scrub it off my bottom, ugh. Then she put me in this cute outfit with a bug on it; I'll call it outfit #1 (can you see where my day is going?). Mommy brought me downstairs and I had some milks. Yummy. Then I had my diaper changed again before Mommy tried to get me to nap. I like being in the diaper change area. See my big smile...
I didn't take a nap so we played and then I ate some more milks. After I eat, I stretch and get a funny look on my face which Mommy thinks makes me looks like I swallowed a frog. She finally caught it on film.
After those milks, Mommy tried to get me to sleep again. I just smiled at her.
And then I laughed at her.
I finally took about a 45 minute nap to give Mommy a break, Mommy napped a bit too. Yesterday I took a 3 hour nap but today I wasn't into that much sleep today. I had a huge poop all up my back and got it on my swing and on my outfit #1. So then I had to be naked in the pack-n-play while Mommy went to get another outfit; outfit #2.
We went to the mall because it is too hot to walk around outside. I slept in a car, but not really at the mall. In Ann Taylor Loft I had a meltdown because Daddy told me to cry every time Mommy tries to buy clothes-- save us some money, Daddy says. Well Mommy fed me milks in the dressing room and managed to buy some clothes anyway- at least they were on sale. I feel asleep in the car on the way home and Mommy thought I'd be out for a while. Wrong. I woke up when she stopped the car and smiled during all attempts to be put back to sleep in my swing.
Hehe Mommy-- I'm still awake.
Then I got really sweaty and grumpy and Mommy decided that outfit was too small. So I got another outfit, outfit #3. And I'm still smiley and I'm still not sleeping.
And I'm still laughing at Mommy today.
She did give me more milks and smartly did not move after I had milk coma so I did sleep for 45 minutes. Daddy came home. He ran 4 miles in 100 degree heat. He came back with heat stroke and Mommy had to put cold clothes on his head, neck and wrists. Silly Daddy. Daddy took over my care so Mommy could do her thing; he says funny things to me and gave me yucky vitamins. We are having a storm and a huge tree limb just fell in our yard. I hope it doesn't hit Mommy's car. Mommy said she'll take a picture of it after the rain stops. I have had a busy day. I think I'll sleep good tonight or maybe I won't. Only I know the answer to that.
Mommy edit: If he wasn't so cute, I would have poked my eyeballs out today.
Hilarious. I may steal your POV writing style for my kids' blogs. Although I'm not sure I can pull it off with quite the same panache.
He's a super cutie, Katie.
He is VERY, VERY cute!
he's got the cutest little grin!
and getting nice and chubby, lots of good milks, mommy!!
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