Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It is going to be a long way back

After getting the OK from my doc to start running again, I took my first run since December this morning. Ugh double ugh! But at least I got out there and put one foot in front of another. It was kind of like fast walking at some points but hey, as my father says and I think he borrowed this quote from someone famous, "you only eat an elephant one bite at a time". I was composing this blog in my head as I was running. So here are the facts. I am back to my pre pregnancy pre weight watchers weight of summer 2007; 152. I know that because a. the scale says it and b. my thighs rub together and c. I can only fit into the few pants I kept from that era. Everyone knows I'm not that private and everyone knows everything about me by reading my blog; who I voted for (obama), how much I make (see presscitizen.com), my religious preference (Jesus), how truly gi-normous my stomach got during my pregnancy (see past blog entries) so talking about weight shouldn't be taboo. I gotta use the numbers. Makes me feel better when I see progress. The day before I went into have Lucas I was 180.6 lb. triple ugh! I can try to blame it on the extra amniotic fluid or on my big baby, but really it was because I stopped running around 24 weeks, stopped swimming around 30 weeks and for 11 weeks just moaned about my girth and ate what I wanted (well except for caramel frappachinos or however you spell it because of the caffeine load). Sure I gave birth to a 8 lb 13.5 oz baby and sure I lost a ton of fluid during birth but I also gained a ton of fluid too (note to all soon to deliver moms, I was more swollen after birth-- don't pack those ted hose away too soon) and didn't look too small when I left the hospital. When they pulled him out and were putting me back together, my doc said, "wow your stomach looks flat again" and I am sure in her head the flat was in quotes because my tummy looked about as flat as Iowa really is. I bet if we weren't carrying a baby out and going down the elevator from Labor and Delivery someone would have asked if I was about to have a baby and ask if I needed the elevator up to Labor and Delivery. About 30 lbs melted off rather quickly. Now I'm at 152 (I know that because I just got back from weight watchers) and I am ready to get back in the groove. I have decided to start tracking my points which I have stubbornly not been doing the past 5 weeks and I haven't lost any weight... hmmm interesting stubborn=no success. I know I may hold onto some of this weight while I am still breast feeding but I am determined to eat better and now that I can run, I am determined to get out there and run at least a few times a week.
There are a few positives to report from my run this morning
1. I haven't lost all my 'in shapeness' just most of it. I ran my first mile today in 11 minutes and 18 seconds. When I started running in October 2007 (15 lbs lighter at 137) I was running over 12 minute miles. I had to walk a bit which was to be expected. I ran total about 21 minutes. Not bad for the first day back.
2. I got new ear buds which really work and have great stereo sound. I just may get hit by a car if I'm not careful because they really block out all the outside noise
There is one really big negative from my run this morning
1. the callus I had built up on my insoles from where I get blisters because of the way my flat feet run have disappeared so now I have to start that painful process all over again starting with blister formation
I had to look for my sports bras last night as they haven't been used in a while and while searching for them I came across THE bin of pants. The pants I threw in the hall in a hysterical huff when I couldn't fit into them way back in the fall. I longingly looked through the bin, touching each pair, remembering how good I looked in them :-) and then put the top back on. Not yet, my dear friends, but soon you'll be back in my closet. My goal for myself is to be back in those pants by my birthday. That may be ambitious. I may be blogging about my disappointment when my birthday rolls around in September. I need to make sure my milk supply stays intact and that is my first priority for sure but second priority is skinny pants by September. I gotta lose the before bed Famous Amos habit. Tonight I'm breaking it. Nothing tastes as good as being thin.
So I did all this working out, soul searching, goal setting this morning and came home to find my men doing this.
so adorable
I just love these guys.


Jen said...

I'm with you on the weight, although at least this time I am able to get into some of my pre-pregnancy work pants already. Jeans get zipped but there's no way I can sit in them yet. What I've heard is that it takes 9 months to gain the weight, don't expect to lose it all before 9 months post delivery.

Definitely don't over-exercise - that can affect your milk production.

Stephen said...

Which one's Bill? Hard to tell when they're close together like that.

Great job on the first post-preggers run. I will never, ever, ever be a runner. I hate it with a passion. So I have lots of admiration for those of you who hit the sidewalk, especially on days like today, when it's almost 90.