Habbakuk 1:5b
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Date Night
Bill has been really busy the last few months preparing for his recertification board exam which happens tomorrow. He has been diligent in reading, note taking, stressing, practice questioning, reading some more, stressing some more and it has really consumed most of his time since we went to Puerto Rico in Feb. So with that said, our time together has been limited as well.
Tonight we have our house group for church which we lead. All the couples take turn leading discsussion on marriage type issues. Tonight our friend, Fran, wanted us to listen to a sermon from Dave S. at the Cambridge Vineyard on marriage. Bill didn't think he was going to have time with his studying. But last night we stopped everything just for 37 minutes, sat around the computer together and listened. What a refreshing date night it was for us.
I highly recommend everyone listen to it with their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend (Lizzie- I mean you!) ; life is busy I know, kids are crazy, work is stressful but if you can find the time to listen to this, I think you'll find blessing in your marriage. The link is below. He talked some about the 5 love languages which everyone may already know about but it is always helpful to be reminded. One of his main points is that we tend to love our spouse the way that makes us feel loved but if that is not our spouse's love language, it really isn't helping. Case in point... our first year of marriage I planned a surprise birthday party for Bill because that is what I would have liked to feel loved and appreciated on my birthday, turns out he hated it, was grumpy like the entire night, we got into a fight about it, I sulked at his reaction which I couldn't believe (who doesn't like a surprise party?) and I have since learned that is my not husband's love language. I have done better in the years since.
It is the January 13th sermon you will find on this page.
Also this link below is a great little 2 minute quiz to figure out your love language. We were both right about our own and each others. We have come a long way in 3 years. :-)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Here is the 'bunch' option. Any way to make this bunch more evenly especially at the ends??
Here is the exact angle I have to overcome. I mean seriously a piece of black chewing gum may work. The end of the rods have a screw hole in them so they are not hollow. The corner turners at JCPenney and Bed Bath and Beyond fit into hollow rods. Bill thinks he can cut the end of the rod until they are hollow and use the ones from the other stores. These rods are 3/4 inch in diameter and they are considered dark brown.
I was so demoralized when I left Lowes for like the millionth time today I had to stop at Starbucks drive thru on my way home. I think I keep going back in hopes that they will suddenly be stocking hinge brackets in the diameter and color I need or that I'll just walk up and down all the aisle and suddenly get an inspiration or look lost enough to have someone stop and help. Hey their slogan is "Let's build something together". Back to Starbucks, at least I had the self control to get the skinny caramel frappachino and not the one loaded on top with whipped cream even though that is what I wanted. I employed a strategy I learned from Ali in weight watchers...before you eat, you should H.A.L.T. Ask yourself are you hungry? angry? lonely? or tired? or just demoralized by curtain rods? I got a vente and it was gone before I got home... ooo that was tasty even without the whipped cream!
Friday, April 18, 2008
baby Ethan
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Has it been 3 years already?

Thanks for going down memory lane with me. I promise not to blog with pictures every April 16th or maybe I can't promise that. :-)
If you are ever in Connecticut and need a photography, www.carleyphotography.com
Sunday, April 13, 2008
My fans demand it
Righteous suffering
The Flickering Blip
I have told probably a dozen women over the year I've been in the ER that they are pregnant. No one has ever been happy about it. I've had that news met with swearing, yelling, wide eyed looks of disbelief followed by tears, sobbing, asking for information about abortions etc. No one has every been pleased... until Friday.
I told a 37 year old woman who had been married for over a year, thinking she may have missed her time to conceive that her daily vomiting was actually due to pregnancy. The look on her face was priceless. She and her husband could hardly contain their joy. We ended up doing an u/s as well in the ER and saw this little flickering blip of a baby. I got to turn the monitor and say, "Look there is your baby's heartbeat". They were both tearful and for one minute on one busy Friday night I said to myself, "I love this job".
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Almost as long
Oh the humanity
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Peck Peck Peck
What is an ethernet port? Do I need that? Is 6 lb too heavy to put in a messenger bag because I saw a cool messenger lap top bag? Can I get a wireless card? How many USB ports do I need? Should I buy a printer? I don't really need a protection plan, do I? What is a parallel port? How fast does the internet run? Can I play Axis and Allies on that computer? What is RAM? How many megabytes in a gigabyte (I had to call my dad about that one)? I am not bothering you, am I? I am just excited. (Bill - I don't want to hear any more about the computer. Nile- I am not talking to you, I'm talking to Katie and I told her to tell me if I was bothering her and she hasn't said anything so I am still talking) So do you think I can buy this today? The sale only lasts until the 12th. Gabby got her present early so couldn't I just this once? (Ask your father, I say to that --- he is the one who got us in the mess in the first place :-) ) and so on... it is non stop. Sweet little dude is sure inquisitive which is a good quality and he reports it is question asking which made him so smart when he was a kid. I pointed out that he is still a kid. I don't find that card about being pecked to death by chickens so theoretically funny anymore.
This just happened..."When I am done buying my laptop and all its accessories, I am going to save my money for a car or a moped. I don't want to buy stupid things and then at 16 not have a car and everyone think I'm a dork. So how many miles per gallon does a moped get? How much do they cost? I think it would be good for around town and in college, right? Probably not in the winter? How dangerous is a moped? How many people have you seen in the ER from moped accidents? (me- Ben from church almost died when he got hit by a minivan on his moped. nile- really, the Ben I know? followed by a thoughtful pause) Was he wearing a helmet? I mean I'd wear a helmet. I think a moped is a good idea. I don't know, I'm only 11 and I have years until I need to get it"
6 mo of maintanence and counting
Sometime last spring I was all done having to buy size 12 pants or feeling uncomfortable in my size 10 pants. And I wanted to lose weight. In my past the ways I have lost weight is to have a major emotional crisis... move from home, break up with a boyfriend etc. Then I would not eat for feeling nauseated all the time and then I would be skinny. And everyone would say, "You look great. You are so skinny" and I would politely nod and say Thanks but inside would be screaming out, "Can't you see I'm falling apart?" Then when my life is stable I would pack those pounds back on. I was sick of this yo-yo. I wanted to learn how to lose weight without a major dramatic life event and to keep it off. So I started going to weight watchers with a dear friend. I didn't think I could do it. Bill didn't think I could do it. But slowly I changed my eating habits and started to eat things like whole wheat tortillas and whole wheat pasta and fat free cheese and I started losing weight. My goal was to reach my goal by my birthday in Sept and when I stepped on the scale on Sept 6th, I had reached my goal and two pounds more.
Then the maintanence began. In weight watchers you need to maintain your goal weight for 6 weeks and then you become a lifetime member which I did the last week of October. Then you have to go once a month to weigh in and you can't be 2 lbs over your goal weight to maintain free lifetime membership. So the first week of every month (or the second week if I need to lose a few pounds) I go back to weight watchers and step on that scale. My weight loss total now is 18 lbs.
Last week I bought size 4 pants. I am going to type that again. I bought size 4 pants!!!! Size 4. I can't remember the last time I was a size 4, but I bet it was before I knew calculus. I wanted to shout for joy in the Ann Taylor Loft dressing room. I wanted to tell the lady who checked me out about my triumph, but I didn't. She didn't look like she'd care.
So thinking about my undisciplined self, I guess I should give myself a little more credit for being disciplined enough to reach for the one point ice cream bar when Bill pounds back 3-4 cookies after dinner and to maintain my weight loss 6 months and counting. And who knew whole wheat pasta is not that bad...
Update on past blogs
--> so it is not my year. My bracket went bust during the 2nd weekend of the tournament. I can't even begin to try to figure out what actually happened but it was hinged around West Virginia losing to Xavier which put Nile ahead and then the unraveling began. I had UNC losing to Tennessee to go the final four, but Tennessee actually lost a round sooner to Louisville. I had Texas beating Memphis to go to the final four, but Texas got whalloped by the Tigers who in turn whalloped UCLA in the semi finals who I had winning the whole thing. So there you go. Nile won again. He has it wrapped up even before the finals. The traveling trophy will stay in his room another year. Bill said I was only behind by 3 so last night, with righteous indignation, I demanded a recount. Turns out I lost by 11 to Nile and not 3, so much for the recount. Maybe next year will be my year.
Update on 'He is Risen Indeed'
--> turns out He is still risen so that hasn't changed, good thing! :-) My undisciplined self has made a few strides in the last several weeks. Adding to my 3.22 mile run in the pouring rain on Thursday, today I ran 4 miles. I ran the whole way. I ran it in a little over 20 seconds off my regular 3.1 mile pace. Bill said to expect when I go up in mileage to be maybe 2 minutes slower, but I wasn't so that made me happy. Mile 2 was uphill and it stunk. Mile 3 had the wind whipping in my face which when you are running into it feels like hurricane force winds and it stunk too. Mile 4 had me not feeling so bad with the wind at my back when I made the turn home. I wanted to quit at mile 2 and I wanted to walk during mile 3 but I kept myself going realizing I am learing a little about discipline with every step. And for anyone keeping score, 4 miles is the most I have run in my LIFE with the exception of maybe one long run day in soccer when I was in high school.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The shiny guy always worries
One of these things is not like the other
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn't belong
1. Katie got up at 10:30 am today on her day off
2. Katie drank a diet coke for breakfast
3. Katie ate zillion point crab rangoons for lunch because she couldn't help herself
4. Katie ran in the pouring rain over 3 miles this afternoon and it was raining when she left so she made a conscious decision to leave the house and step off the porch into the pouring rain
BUT REALLY I DID ALL THOSE THINGS! Who am I? and I cleaned out my closet and got rid of a ton of clothes. and I cleaned up the kitchen. and I made dinner. and I baked a cake. did I mention I ran in the pouring rain? Where did Katie go?