I can't believe Bill and I got married three years ago today. My great friend and amazing photographer, JC Carley, shot our pictures which were awesome. She also gave me a CD with all our proofs and these are some of my favorites. So for some of you who were at our wedding whether it was too far to travel or you didn't know us yet or for those who were there, here are some snapshots of the day it all began.
My uncle Bill and Aunt Linda bought these Hawkeye Pom Poms to shake as we walked down the aisle as husband and wife. Star Wars Ceremonial March was our recessional which was always a dream of mine.

Ever Bloomin' Thing is the best florist in town and they outdid themselves with my gorgeous flowers. My bouquet was so wonderful but the girl'ss tulips were the real show stoppers.

Here is Bill right before with Nile who looks so little and Tom, his godfather, who was his best man. We had Nile and Gabby stand on $10 bills which were taped to the floor. If they stood still the entire ceremony, they got the money. I've never seen them move so little. They were eyeing that cash!

Madison was my flower girl and this is a great black and white shot of her. JC does a fantastic job of catching the little moments.

Here is a picture of the outside of Old Brick where we got married. I ran past this today and it was open so I rested a minute, walked in and just soaked up the memories.

I love this shot of us. This is the story of our lives. Bill and I trying to make out while the kids are being goofy.

Here is a great shot of the ladies and their amazing tulips. The gal on the R is Bill's sister Susie.

Bill with the kids. Looking back it is amazing to see how much they have grown espeically Gabby.

Our whole family. My brothers and their wives, my folks and Madison on the L. Bill's sister Susie, her family, Uncle Tom and the kids on the R.

Walking through campus on the way to take pictures.

I have learned a lot in three years of marriage about myself, my spouse, the kids. Nile could eat cereal for every meal and is more generous and kind hearted than you would think he is. Gabby likes olives on her pizza and is a very loyal friend. Bill will sing show tunes and dance in the kitchen when the mood strikes him and he lives up to the meaning of his name, William - the great protector.
Thanks for going down memory lane with me. I promise not to blog with pictures every April 16th or maybe I can't promise that. :-)
If you are ever in Connecticut and need a photography, www.carleyphotography.com
Happy Anniversary! I loved the walk down memory lane. You can't believe you've been married 3 years already. I can't believe it has only been 3 years. I am amazed by how much you and Bill have grown together in a few short years. You inspire me.
Happy Anniversary to you...OK I won't sing the whole darn song. I hope you have a lovely day planned and are getting some of the sunshine we are having. I got the box yesterday...THANK YOU! I also tried to explain to Eric WHY you sent it all...finally gave up and said "you just need to get on and read Katie's blog...and check out the suffering run as well, you will enjoy it." Love you!
Such a great post!! Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, friend of my heart. I'm so glad for your marriage to Bill, and for the ways that God is manifest in your lives. I'm thankful for your friendship, and the gorgeous way that you both love those around you (including us!). An honor to know you.
Hiya, Happy Anniversary! (Even though it's a few days late) GOD bless!
Sarah G.
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