Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Sunday, April 6, 2008

6 mo of maintanence and counting

I have maintained my weight loss for 6 mo as of this week. For those of you who don't know, I started weight watchers in June to lose about 15 lbs. OK disclaimer. I am going to talk about lbs and sizes (remember size is all relative to height and skeleton structure)... which I know is almost as taboo as money and politics and religion... so I'll just get those out there as well. I'll make enough money to keep in stylish shoes and star wars figures. I will probably vote for John over Hilary but probably Barack over John but I'm really waiting for the debates. I am a follower of Jesus. Ok with that said, back to my weight loss.

Sometime last spring I was all done having to buy size 12 pants or feeling uncomfortable in my size 10 pants. And I wanted to lose weight. In my past the ways I have lost weight is to have a major emotional crisis... move from home, break up with a boyfriend etc. Then I would not eat for feeling nauseated all the time and then I would be skinny. And everyone would say, "You look great. You are so skinny" and I would politely nod and say Thanks but inside would be screaming out, "Can't you see I'm falling apart?" Then when my life is stable I would pack those pounds back on. I was sick of this yo-yo. I wanted to learn how to lose weight without a major dramatic life event and to keep it off. So I started going to weight watchers with a dear friend. I didn't think I could do it. Bill didn't think I could do it. But slowly I changed my eating habits and started to eat things like whole wheat tortillas and whole wheat pasta and fat free cheese and I started losing weight. My goal was to reach my goal by my birthday in Sept and when I stepped on the scale on Sept 6th, I had reached my goal and two pounds more.

Then the maintanence began. In weight watchers you need to maintain your goal weight for 6 weeks and then you become a lifetime member which I did the last week of October. Then you have to go once a month to weigh in and you can't be 2 lbs over your goal weight to maintain free lifetime membership. So the first week of every month (or the second week if I need to lose a few pounds) I go back to weight watchers and step on that scale. My weight loss total now is 18 lbs.

Last week I bought size 4 pants. I am going to type that again. I bought size 4 pants!!!! Size 4. I can't remember the last time I was a size 4, but I bet it was before I knew calculus. I wanted to shout for joy in the Ann Taylor Loft dressing room. I wanted to tell the lady who checked me out about my triumph, but I didn't. She didn't look like she'd care.

So thinking about my undisciplined self, I guess I should give myself a little more credit for being disciplined enough to reach for the one point ice cream bar when Bill pounds back 3-4 cookies after dinner and to maintain my weight loss 6 months and counting. And who knew whole wheat pasta is not that bad...

1 comment:

Marsha said...

You are hilarious! I loved this update. You rock--I am so proud of you, and I think the woman in Ann Taylor would have been proud, too. Way to go!!!