Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

For my day at work tomorrow

I'm that mom... I like to look at pics of my kid all day long when I'm at work so I am posting some pictures for the last two days to last me through my 12 hour shift tomorrow. Bug wore this cute Hawkeye outfit to have his passport picture taken in. I put him in it about 3 hours before picture time, put a bib on to protect it from spit up and drool. About 1 hour into wearing it he had the hugest poop ever-- come to think of it he hadn't pooped for almost 3 days so no wonder it was so large -- he was sitting in his bouncy seat and when I picked him up there was a puddle of poop in the bottom of the seat. yuck. For all you non parents of infants out there, it really isn't poop as we know it but more like thick butt pee as Uncle Tim calls it. Regardless it was EVERYWHERE. I guess I needed more than a bib to keep the outfit clean. Bug got totally wiped down from head to feet, I washed my hands like 10 times-- he got his rotovirus vaccine last week which is shed in his stool and they warned up that for up to 2 weeks we could catch it from his poop hence the vigorous hand washing--, he got put naked with diaper only in his pack-n-play while Mom did some laundry. Turns out, a washer/dryer is a modern marvel that got his cute outfit clean in time for the passport shot. I almost put him in his "Darth Baby" onesie for his passport shot but thought this outfit was more appropriate with a middle name of Hawk.
Today he wore a 6 mo outfit which fit perfectly-- he is just so big and long especially. I love the 'shocked with a double chin' look.

Well Bug, Mommy will miss you tomorrow at work but will look at these shots all day.

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