We have had a great time so far at Grandma's. My brother, David, and his family (Melissa and Madison) had us over for a BBQ on Sunday afternoon. Melissa's parents, sister and grandmother were there too who have become part of our family as well over these last 13 years that they have been married. They are so great and just loved meeting Lucas. David and Mel's house is just so perfect... well decorated and neat. Always makes me jealous when I go over there. I wish my house was well decorated and neat but then I think to myself... David and Mel have done so much with this house in terms of painting and decorating and cleaning that I am just tired thinking of all the painting and decorating and cleaning that I would have to do with my house to get it to look like theirs. So my jealousy soon becomes fatigue and then I get over it. David and Mel also have a fabulous garden and this year have really started growing tons of veggies. That I take credit for. For years, my other brother, Brian and I would make fun of David for some of his political and social views but turns out my time in Iowa City and at the Vineyard has turned me into just as much of a liberal as my brother :-) and even more so maybe. I knew I could swing them to my side of the organic grocery issue if not make them vegetarians with just a little push in the right direction. So I bought David a copy of 'Omnivore's Dilemma' and 'Animal Vegetable Miracle' for his birthday last year. Well now they are eating mostly organic, Melissa is making cheese, they are growing tons of veggies in the backyard and may add corn next year, David is volunteering at the local farm where they get their veggie boxes from every week. Still eating meat but it is all organic and free range and properly fed. I have lots of pride in my hand in turning my brother from the dark side; they are now much better at it than Bill and I are and inspire me to shop and eat better. Today after another 12 hours of sleep, me, my mom and TBL had just a great day. We ran errands, had lunch at Friendly's *yum!* and TBL took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. He woke up at 4 pm, had some milks, took a quick walk around the neighborhood charming everyone we stopped to meet and just like clockwork it was 6:30 and he was tired, got his jammies on, had some milks and is out like a light. My mom and I had sweet corn and grilled tuna sitting on their back screened in porch with a gentle breeze nice sunset and beautiful view. My parent's wisely bought a house with a creek and forest in the backyard with no way it could ever be developed.
At Target my mom bought TBL his first set of rain boots for when his sweet little feet get bigger

All this fun has really tired him out

And, of course, tonight was topped off by a stop at Sno Top for another twinkle coat cone. Last night I took a good run, no Sno Top after dinner (I did have Sno Top before lunch but who's keeping track?) and am going to run tomorrow morning just to hopefully stay even in calories eaten and calories spent. Wishful thinking.
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