Well the three of us had quite the adventure. Bill and I signed up to run the Iowa Games Cross Country Race in Ames (home of our hated rival school Iowa State). I really didn't want TBL's first out of town overnight trip to be to Ames, but we shall never speak of it again. We left about 4 pm yesterday and he did fine in the car until about the last 30 minutes which he screamed most of the time. Another reason cancelling our family roadtrip next week was such a good idea. We did get to the hotel, he felt better out of his car seat and we got him ready for bed. He got his pjs on.
We set up the pack -n- play and then he went to sleep. The rest of our evening Bill and I spent huddled near or in the bathroom reading and whispering. How come the 3 mo old got the whole room to himself and the adults were relegated to the bathroom? We didn't stay up long and fell fast asleep before 9 pm. TBL woke up twice last night to eat (ugh) and was wide awake at 6 am when we were getting ready to leave.
We put him protective gear for the morning breathing the air in Ames. 'Lil Hawkeye stocking cap
and a black and gold blanket.
We hung out with Daddy while he was warming up and then when he started his race, the 8K, TBL and I headed to the car for some milks. The race was on ISU's cross country course. The weather was very un-July-- overcast and probably not even 60 degrees... perfect for running.
Bill is coming up to the finish. He did great and beat the time he set out for himself.
Crossing the line in 34 minutes and 18 seconds.
Then it was my turn to run the 4K. I started out in last place but slowly started passing a few people. Here is a shot of me running so fast I'm blurry :-)
Barely moving at the end. The course was really hilly and tough and I decided I hate running on grass.
Here we are after the race. We took plenty of these shots last summer of when Bill and I ran races. I can't believe we have a baby... crazy what difference a year makes. TBL kept his pjs on b/c they were warmer than the clothes I packed.
Bill got 2nd in his age group
Nice grin!
Right before the first water stop after a huge hill, two gals in front of me stopped. Not this girl, I kept running and ended up 2nd in my age group-- one of the gals I passed got third. I was so proud of myself. It was my first race back after baby.
Nice hardware!
The winning successful family. TBL did a fine job being out in the stroller all morning and managing the hand off between races.
It was a great trip! I am very proud of us... we packed up, drove about 2 hours, stayed in a hotel, woke up at the butt crack of dawn, ran two races, won some medals, had breakfast at McDonalds, drove home all with a 12 week old. We are getting this parenting thing under control :-) Next week, me and TBL on a plane to NY!
way to go on the medals, the race, hotel, roadtrip and 12 week old! Sounds like a great weekend!
Dude, I wish I knew you were going, we'd have headed back to Ames to cheer you on -- and you guys could've stayed at my parents' house so you wouldn't have to whisper in the bathroom in a hotel. Z and TBL could've had a sleepover in their cute jammies. BTW, we still marvel at how one tiny kid takes over a whole hotel room!
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