Ok after I got home I finally understood what the problem was with the sump pump drainage and got some great shots of the mud. yum! Bill now has two dehumidifiers and a fan running-- thanks to the GPs and the BGs for the extension cords.
Footprints in the mud

our poor couch

the water line on the wall. one thing to be thankful for is that this happened before the new drywall went up.

the new black tubing leading the sump pump water away from the house to the front yard

the sump pump coming out of the basement was just the little white tube and it was dumping the water back into the hole below it and then back into the basement. the workmen put the black tubing on it.

aaaahhh! lessons in home ownership and construction. to me houses and cars are the same. i love them when they work fine but have no patience at all for when they are broken.
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