Habbakuk 1:5b

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5b

Friday, July 11, 2008

Off the deep end... almost...

So when Bill's alarm went off today at 5:30 am so he could run 8 miles before work, I thought to myself; he is off the deep end. When my alarm went off at 6 am on my day off so I could get up to run 3 miles before it got hot, I thought to myself.; you are off the deep end. But then I rolled over. How much hotter can it get between 6 am and 7 am? So I reset my alarm. When my alarm went off at 7 am on my day off so I could get up to run 3 miles before it got hotter, I thought to myself; you are off the deep end. But then I rolled over. How much hotter can it between 7 am and 8 am? So I reset my alarm. At about 7:20 am, Bill came in to get ready for work. "Get up naughty" he says. "How hot is it?" I ask. "Not hot, but humid. It's awful. If you are going to go, you better get up now."
Earlier this week I thought I could handle the humidity and run 4 miles including the biggest hill in town (maybe the state) at noon because I didn't want to get up before my 9 am meeting. I have never felt worse. I watched all these cars pass by as I was suffering thinking which of you will stop to call 911 when I pass out? How many liters of fluid will I get at the ER before I come to? Who is working today in the ER? Will they make fun of me? Will they have to put me in a bath of ice like they did for Mary Ingalls on that one Little House episode when she was burning up with fever after she got kicked in the stomach by a cow and they had to take her to Mayo clinic and Pa had to join the railroad gang to make enough money to pay for her bill?
I was going to run last night after work but it was so humid. Surely it is better in the morning. Not so. I am proud to say I survived a run at 87% humidity in 75 degree heat-- that was the temperature at 7:30 AM! Where do I live exactly? So cold in the winter that you literally want to poke your eyeballs out and would if your frozen lashes weren't in the way. So hot in the summer that you literally want to poke your eyeballs out and would if the pouring sweat from your forehead didn't make them so slippery that the fork slides right off.
On our local weather they have a humidity index with adjectives. It goes something like this
And every night our local weather guys stands in front of the green screen which projects the graphic and he tells Eastern Iowa how terrible they will all feel the next day. Thanks for that Joe Winters (his real name)!
Well I lost one bet to Bill and he did get the bulletin board up. He has organized and displayed our family running trophies, plaques and medals. On the bulletin board, the lone medal in the second row is my sweet silver from last week. His are on top. then my row, Nile's row on the bottom L and Gabby's on the bottom R. I think the shelves and bulletin board look nice with our messy-shelf-overgrown-plant-two-computers-on-one-desk-with-one-printer-still-in-the-box look that we have tried to hard to create in our spare room.

1 comment:

Shanel said...

Comical and super accurate description of our beloved weather in the Midwest!! Well done!