Here is a shot from the pier of the beach. We stayed right near that water tower.
The boys went deep sea fishing on Wednesday morning. They had a great time. They went out with a salty old guy named Captain Jerry. Bill caught the most fish. Tim caught the biggest fish. My dad was the least seasick. Nile had a great time with Dad. Tim was the only one to puke over the side of the boat.
Bill took all these pictures and I think this is Nile with bait on his hook or else it is a really small fish.
Here is some of the booty. Captain Jerry cleaned their fish afterwards and at the small restaurant at the dock cooked up the fish for their lunch. They ate butterfly fish, sea bass and trigger fish.
Here is a picture of the boys and ol' Captain Jerry.
While the boys were fishing, my mom and I had the most delightful morning shopping at these little artist galleries. We found very unusual things; my dad was very impressed when we arrived home with our loot. My husband was less so. At least we had a bit of room left in the van to take the stuff home. I got the prettiest piece of painted driftwood with seahorses on it and my mom and I got matching penguin scupltures which are really unusual. It was one of the highlights of my trip spending alone time with my mom. The rest of the ladies and Drake played on the beach when we were all gone.
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