And they saw this big sad looking fish who appeared to be stuck between the side of the tank and a rock.
and they took self portraits (the bingo prize crazed step mom, her neice Megan and step daughter Gabby)
and they saw wicked cool moon jelly fish
the Go Hawks fish
too bad you can't read Gabby's shirt. it says, "i'm not short, i'm fun size."
And she was tired writing in the third person so she'll stop.
One of the things I was praying for on this trip was something special to do with each kid to make some good memories. Nile and I have a love for flattened pennies. You know those machines where you can spend 50 cents to have your penny flattened with a design on it. Nile and I collect them; we even have a little book we keep them in. I actually keep a small change purse in my purse with shiny pennies and quarters in it just in case we run into any such machines. Well the aquarium had some, two that we found with 4 different designs in each one. We made 6 of them including the whale shark, penguin, hammerhead shark and sea lion. His cousin wanted to join in and Nile said (most likely more out of annoyance with his little cousin than anything to do with me) "It's our special thing". Regardless of motive, that made me feel good. The trip to the aquarium was a success.
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