(This post will make my incredibly talented gardener sister in law sick to her stomach and it is truly unintentional, sorry Melissa. Now you know the truth about me)
It has already been covered a few blogs ago about how house projects and I aren't actually getting along. There would be no way to appropriately explain how much gardening and I hate each other. If I won the lottery the very first thing I would do is hire a gardener. So until that day, I do the next best thing; ignore the yard. I can't believe I actually took pictures of the out of control weeds in my yard and am blogging about them. But here they are. The giant maple in the front dropped like 2 zillion of those little helicopter twirly things two years ago. I didn't think much about them. I didn't sweep them up, I just left them. "They can't all become trees" was my rationale. Well exhibit A, a lot of them are trying to become trees. This is right next to our front steps. Our entire front is literally covered with little maples especially the rock walkway across the front of the house. Gabby has spent hours pulling them up by the bucketful as her weekend chore but can't even tell she has been out there. When we moved in, this little area had some tulips in the spring and some other flowering stuff in the summer. Now it has a mini deciduous forest of maple trees. I go back to my original thesis "they can't all become trees", right?
Ok so next to the mini maple forest are these weeds. When we moved in there was this nice flowering bush there. Now there are a plethora of at least 3 foot high weeds. The bush is there somewhere, I think, I haven't checked recently.
This is our back 'patio'. I affectionately call it 'green carpet'. Last year I used round-up to keep the carpet at bay but we are way past round-up this year. Nile came in from mowing the lawn a few weeks ago. "I mowed the patio", he said. Did he really say that? I thought. Have we come to that? Mowing the patio? "Good thinking, Nile, because it needed it" I said.
Over here we have our raspberry bushes. But they have been overgrown with what I think is an actual mulberry tree and another maple which is now taller than I am. I think that one is actually going to grow into a tree.
And lastly the gi-normous weed on green carpet. I am seeing how big it will really get. Stay tuned, I'll post another picture before the first frost.
So there are the weeds. I think a lot about going out to weed but then I realize that weeding would make my back sore and that it is really hot and humid out and I could think of 100 other things to do. I realize at this point I will never get on top of the situation. I realize that it is July 2nd and winter is right around the corner and winter is the best weed-er; a couple good frosts and a foot of snow will show those weeds who's boss. I am reminded of this saying by Robert Pyle I have hanging in the kitchen window (overlooking green carpet and the overgrown back yard)...
"Make no mistake: the weeds will win. Nature always bats last."
Actually, weeds in the yard drive your brother crazy!!! He has an old school weed puller - a long pole with a fork like head. He walks around the yard with his tool and pulls everything. That is how our yard stays weed free - that and some Scotts Weed & Feed.
Yes, weeding will make your back sore, but you can do squats as you are weeding. That's my rationalization. Not only am I keeping my yard from becoming a forest, but I am toning my butt at the same time. That has to count for soemthing. When you visit, I will show you the hill that I weed regularly, since it drives me batty. Marsha
oooh...I HATE weed work. We always get poison ivy, too...so be CAREFUL!
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